Chapter 7

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Makayla POV

I feel bad about about spying on Paige "my best friend" and telling people about her plans with Ashton, at the same time I don't care I wanna be friends with Kayla and Holly because well I've always been in the shadows like at my old schools but nows my chance to be in the spot light.

"HEY bitch we're going shopping!" Kayla yelled out to me from her car.

"What about school?" Hoping in the back with Holly sitting at the front with Kayla.

"Yeah what about it." Kayla said as I put my seatbelt on and as she putt the car on and driving off.

"Never mind." as we were driving I saw Paige... crying next to the tree she usually hangs out next to. "what did I do." I whispered to myself.

Paige's POV

I was crying but I guess I don't really have a reason to but Makayla did spy on me :Ithink: I mean how else would of she found out about Ashton.

As I was crying I saw Makayla in the car with Kayla and Holly some friend she is more like was. I knew I could do much about what's happening so I just went to my next class that I was late for.

//after class//

I didn't wanna talk to anyone not even Ashton...

As I was walking I bumped into Luke.

"Do you ever watch were your going?" He ask me looking annoyed.

"No." I replied

"Well I have a problem with that." grabbing my wrist and pulling me alone, I have no idea where his talking me.

"What the f**k do you want." I honestly getting tried of getting pulled around it's so annoying.

"You'll find out." giving me a smirk.

"Last time some one did this they either kissed me or beat me up." I said referring to him, Calum and Michael.

"Where here."

"Where is here exactly." I ask him but I really just wanna run.

"I don't know just behind the school shed." looking around.

"Yeah okay I'm gonna go." starting to walk.

"Okay fine I was gonna help you with something but I guess not." when he said that I was looking down when I looked back up I saw nothing because Luke had punched me.

Some help he gave me because I'm pretty sure he gave me a black eye, he started to drag me I think to the tree I hang out next too.

"You don't tell anyone how this happened loser!" Walking off but first giving me a little kick.


After a while I heard a voice... Ashton.

"Paige hello you there." as I opend my eyes I could see Ashton's cute face looking at me an his hand waving in my face.


"What happened you kinda have a black eye but I'm gonna guess Calum." Giving me a hand to get up I guess i wasn't in pain besides my face.

"Please don't worry about it." almost falling over from feeling dizzy.

"Come on we're going to my house I'm not keeping you in this shit hole." getting his car keys out.

Makayla's POV

Me and the girls had just finished shopping they got me some stuff caz I didn't have that much money on me.

"So Makayla you got your eye on anyone?" Holly ask me putting some bags in the car.

"Well kinda." I said having a little giggle at the end.

"OMG SPILL!" Kayla said looking excited.

"I guess I like Michael he's pretty hot." getting in the car but at the front this time.

"Oh my god you guys would be the best couple!" Holly said jumping around like a little kid.

I just started to laugh, when we arrived at school it was our half time break.

"Hey Makayla you should go out with Michael!" Kayla said looking over at Michael who was like 10 steps away.


"I know I'll ask if he like you and if he says yes I'll say go out with her." Holly said striking at me and getting excited about the idea, before I could answer she went off an ask.

After about 5 minutes Holly came back but normal face not a happy one so I was worried he said "no"

"He said..." then she stop talking and made me wait just like a cliffhanger.



Plz check out my one direction wattpad account 1d_storyss I'm making a story on there called you & I and maybe a joke book (I'm still writing this story)


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