Chapter 12

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oh my god.

xkaykayx posts
*Paige's head cut out on to a pig saying 'I'm so ugly and fat'*
caption: who ever doesn't find this funny then your crazy!!

"What the hell." I yell to myself in shock, why would she do that.

I scrolled down to check the comments, people are saying I'm paying Ashton to hang out with me and calling me a bitch.

I feel a few tears rolling down my face, for about 10 minutes I stared at my phone watching people comment shit about me. 1 comment made me snap, Holly's comment: yeah I wish she just died

How can people say that about me they don't even understand me...

When I finished reading Holly's comment I throw my phone at the wall not having a care in the world.


I woke up feeling like shit. I had fallen a sleep after I throw my phone at the wall, I was so pissed off I just needed some rest.

I get out of bed to go find where my phone is. I found it smashed on the ground just lucky just the back of it, I looked at the wall to see if I've put a hole in the wall... I did DAM

I turn on my phone to see the time, it's 7:00am good I have plenty of time to get ready.

//after getting ready//

I put on some leggings, batman tank top and my black converse.

I got to English expecting no one to be in the classroom but there was a boy... an unknown boy.

I walk over next to him and sit in the sat next to him. "Hey." I say to him, he looks up and looks back at his paper "Ah hi." He replied.

"My names Paige, what's yours?" I sat down next to him and took my books out.

"I'm Nicky. I'm new here." I could tell he was new caz I'm never seen him around here. We talked for a while then everyone started to come in to class. I found out Nicky moved here from Canada with his mum, dad, big sister and little brother. They came here because there were more job choice to chose from for his parents.

"Hey Paige, do you know that boy over there?" Nicky says tapping my shoulder and pointing over to... Calum.

Just before I turn back around Calum throws a piece of paper lucky I caught it.

Sorry about yesterday -Cal

I smile at the note surprised he said sorry, caz that's a rare for him and I mean rare.


It's out half time brake and I showed Nicky were I usually sit. His so weird but in a good way like his got his nerdy glasses but his still cool.

"Aren't you gonna eat anything?" He says unwrapping his sandwich. "Ah no I had a big breakfast." I lie.

I just realised I haven't seen Ashton today, usually he texts me in the morning and he said he was coming to school on Monday.

"I gotta go to the bathroom I'll be back." I stand up and go for a walk around the outside of the school.

I turn the corner and see Calum laughing with Luke, Michael, Makayla and Holly no Kayla.

I quickly turn back around to go the other way but... "Hey Paige." I look back around. "Did you see Kayla's post on Instagram in the morning." Holly says loud enough that I can hear her. I turn back around and start running inside hoping to run into Ashton or some one I know.

"Paige." I see Eva I also forgot she came back to the school. I walk over to her and she pulls me into a hug.

"Why were you running?" She says putting her books away in her locker.

"Oh I was looking for Ash." her eyes widen as I say Ash.

"Yeah I saw him with some girl I didn't get to see her face back there were next to our old meet up place." I say 'thank you and go find Ashton

I'm almost there until I can hear really loud laughing or giggling I don't know, I peak behind the corner and see Ashton with... Kayla and ther- ther- there.

I can't even believe it I ran back to the tree where Nicky was just wanting to have a good day for once I try hard not to think about it but if you say what just happen I'm pretty sure you would wanna forget about it too.

I reach Nicky as I'm drying my tears away, I sit in front of him he looks worried.

"What's wrong?" He say coming closer to me, it's like he knows.

"Oh nothing I'm fine." I try my hardest to smile but I think i tried to hard.

"Come on I have an older sis I can tell when a girls upset." he laughs, that's true.

I tell him what I saw and why I'm so up set about it, he actually understands what I'm saying which I find amazing.


Get this chapter to 10 votes to know what happened with Kayla and Ash (I'll be doing Kaylas POV for it)

Sorry this chapter is really short... this is what happens when you promise your friends that your gonna update the next day lol

I'm trying to update at least every week!

Check out my book Bullied By Harry Styles (1d_storyss )

Thank you for reading!!

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