Chapter 11

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After a few hours that day the doctor said I could go home but Ashton had to stay the night so I was bummed about that. I was getting my black high converse on while I heard the door creek open I thought it would of been my mum but it was Kayla and she had a big evil smirk on her face, so obviously she's up to something no good.

"Well hello you." she said closing the white wood door behind her, I guess for privacy. She walked over to me while I said.

"Um what do you want?" I'm trying my be to be nice to Kayla but all she dose is be rude, I don't want any drama with Kayla because I know it won't end pretty. I stood up from sitting on the cold ground when i was off the ground I looked up to see Kayla right in my face.

"Oh I just wanted to see if you were okay." She gave me on of those warm greeting smiles that would be a first... well actually not really I use to talk to Kayla once in a while but then one day she change I guess you could say she showed a new side of herself.

"um okay then." I turned around on the heel of my foot to go get my smashed up phone from the accident, I'm surprised my phone survived but it smash up pretty bad.

I turned back around to see Kayla walking up to me but this time she's pushes to straight into the wall, when my body hits the ground my head goes back and hits the wall hard.

"Awe did someone hurt there head." she started to giggle, how is she so cold hearted I could die and she would laugh.

All the pain is rushing throw my body and it's starting to hurt more and more, I felt a tear roll down my face a warm tear.

"Well anyway I came in here to tell you that no one likes you and I'm not saying it because I don't like you I'm saying it because it's true okay." don't worry I know no one likes me besides Ashton...

"Yeah Ashton doesn't like you either, he only hangs out with you caz he feels bad for you." no no just no.. not Ashton his my friend I think or at least hope. I'm trying to sit up so maybe if I start to move my body will hurt less, you could say it woke up my body but it still hurts.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this you should know by now so I think I'm just gonna go." I closed my eyes for like a second and when I opened them she was gone just like that.

"Stay strong." is all I could say to myself "Stay strong."


I had recovered from Kayla pushing me into the wall pretty quickly when I was better I went to Ashton's room and said goodbye a few minutes ago. I was in the waiting room waiting for mum (duh?lol) because she had gone back home and then she said she come back. I was just looking at Twitter to see if anything new has been happening, nothing absolutely nothing.

"Paige!" I look up not to see my mum but the one and only Calum Hood. I almost forgot he was even in hospital, not that I care or anything... well maybe I do.

"Hi." are my only words, he comes and sits down next to me like we're friends or something, but it doesn't totally bother me.

"So why you here." he said putting his arms in the chair w/ one around my shoulder.

"Car accident some one smash into us... oh wait that reminds me I still don't know who did I forgot to ask my brother I guess I'll have to ask him when I get home because my phones dead." I said trying to turn on my phone

"Yeah I kinda know who did." he put his head down like he was a shamed or something, so instead of asking who did it I ask if he was okay he just nodded without looking at me

"Yeah I-" he got cut off by my mum screaming my name out to get my attention, but honestly it just made me jump like I had done something wrong.

"Paige! Your okay." She pretty much ran to me and picked me off the ground for a hug, when she was calm she ask "who's this boy." oh you know my bully is all I wanted to say but obviously I didn't.

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