Chapter 13

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Kayla's POV:

At the moment I'm hanging out with Holly and Makayla. We've been talking about Paige... and what our plan will be next to ruin her.

Me and the girls have skipped the first 2 lessons to plan everything out...

"I have an idea!" Holly said, looking really excited. "What is it?" Me and Makayla said at the same time.

"What if you like I don't know make it look like Ashton's cheating on her." She pointed at me obviously saying I'm the one that is the one making it look like his cheating, but so far I'm loving the idea.

"I don't think there official." Makayla said. That's actually true though, but you can tell Paige likes him by the way she looks at him.

"Who cares she's got a sweet spot for him so that's all that madders." I finally replied to Makayla with a smirk on my face.

We planned everything out and what we were going to do... and trust me best plan yet.

"Hey it's almost time what do you wanna do for now?" Holly asked, putting her phone on to check the time. I would say.

"I don't know... wait you two go with the boys and I'll go find Ash." I said getting up from the chair I was sitting in. The girls nodded and then went to go and find the boys.

When they left the bell went. it's show time.

I was walking around for a while until I finally found him talking to his friends, dam no Paige. Oh yeah I forgot Ashton is the only one that hangs out with her, she's such a loser.

So part of the plan was that I start crying and tell Ashton I need to talk to him.

Let's start this.

I started to make my self cry. "Ashton?" He turned around and his smile turned into a frown

"What the hell do you want?"

"I need to talk to you it's important." He just rolled his eyes and turned back around to his friends. Jerk.

"Come on only a sec." I begged, crying more. He moaned and grabbed my hand.

"Now what do you want?" I rubbed my eyes to make them look for red.

"It's Paige." I whipped my 'tears' away.

"What! What did you do to her?" He snapped at me.

"Nothing... it's what she did to me." he looked confused, caz lets be realistic here Paige would never do anything to me she's to chicken shit.

"What do you mean?" He stepped closer to me.

"She called m-me a ugly fat bitch and that I should die in a hole." not true she's the ugly fat bitch. okay now the next part of the plan is to... kiss Ashton. But the thing is I need Paige to see that's why I got Holly to tell a girl named Eva to tell Paige that she saw Ashton with some girl.

I've seen Paige with that girl what's why I chose her to tell her, but obviously I didn't tell Holly to tell her why Paige had to come.

"She would never... your the bitch." he whispered the last part but I still heard. I really wanted to slap him at this point.

I heard some one coming I didn't care if it wasn't Paige or not at least if it's not her the word will go around that I kissed Ash.

The footsteps were getting closer so I just went for it...

Some how I had it to make it look like he was kissing me back and I'm pretty sure it worked...

I pulled away when I heard someone running away, hopefully Paige.

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