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it was the normal sunday night. at least that is how it started. fast forward to later on kaori had been dragged to a gig of a band she didn't know with her room mate. she now stood in the crowd at a concert listening to the sweet melodies of the guitar and singer that she vaguely recognised. but kaori was a little drunk so the majority of people at a distance she seemed to think looked familiar.

the concert was coming to an end, the two girls stood at the back just dancing to the music, kaori recognised a couple of songs being played, but not enough to sing the lyrics. before the band walked off the stage and lights came back on, making everyone almost wake up from the almost weird daze of being stood in a dark concert hall for the past couple of hours.

"pub?" said yamada momo, kaneko's friend, as she pulled her out of the venue quickly before the other crowd members swarmed around the exit.

"only one! i have work in the morning so i can't get too drunk," kaori giggled to her knowing deep down it would not end with one drink.

momo rolled her eyes at that statement, knowing as well that would be out the window after two drinks.

kaori let her friend drag her to the nearest bar either way, the two being slightly rowdy from the drinks already consumed before when they walked along the streets towards the venue earlier. the two got to the bar, momo walking up to the bar to sit at one of the stools while she waited for the bar tender.

kaori just stood next to her, momo was ordering for them both as it was her turn to get the drinks now, buying them two a drink of their choice before grabbing the glasses. sitting at a small table at the edge as the two instantly dove into conversation while drinking.

after the first round kaori took the empty glasses to the bar to get the second round, waiting at the bar as momo stayed at the table so they wouldn't lose it now the bar seemed to be getting busier. kaori was next to order seeing someone push their way next to her taking her order.

kaori stood awkwardly, she looked around to
see if anyone had seen the guy cut. god she hated confrontation. but given she was feeling more ballsy than usual, she tapped the guy on the shoulder.

"um hi? you just cut me," kaori said to the guy looking at him.

her voice coming out a lot weaker than she intended. oh god, she should have left it and just cursed and bad mouthed him in her head like she usually did.

the guy in front turned around to face her rolling his eyes, not really looking at her but kaori recognised him instantly. already wishing she never said anything knowing exactly who he was.

all that confidence if she even had any plummeted. her mouth went dry, she couldn't even say anything. he didn't seem to register who was yet. maybe she could duck and make a quick escape before he even realised what had happened.

"i don't really care if i'm honest, want an autograph or something if you're that bothered?" he asked not really caring.

"your autograph?" kaori asked as she looked him up and down. "why would i want that?" she asked confused and a little annoyed.

semi furrowed his brows, looking down closer to her. "do you not know who i— what the fuck are you doing here?" he asked seeing it was her.

kaori smiled awkwardly to him, realising she should of made the quick escape while she could seeing his reaction. she waved awkwardly to him.

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