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"thank god, i was so worried you were going to toss me aside and make me share a room with semi," kaori said, walking into the cabin.

kaori was sharing a cabin with ikari, momo and yuta were rooming together, as were hatori and semi.

ikari laughed and shook her head. "nah, don't worry, besides, i think it's cos i'm vegan,"

"that make's this so much better, now i don't have to feel guilty for watching momo to eat burgers all weekend," kaori said relieved.

"match made in heaven," ikari laughed, the two of them dragging their bags in. "you wanna go out and do some exploring?"

"please!" kaori said excited.

the two girls got dressed out of their car clothes and dressed into something a bit more fun. the festival didn't start until tomorrow, meaning they had time today to go around and explore the venue. the venue that was in just a huge field.

campers were allowed to come either tonight or tomorrow, depending if they paid early entry. so a few guests would be walking, but at least that meant there would be stuff out, and it wouldn't just be an empty field.

the two girls wandered around, chatting and looking at various food stalls, deciding to go on some of the theme park rides they had dotted around. playing hook a duck for a good twenty minutes as well as kaori was determined to win the capybara plush that was hung up, ikari cheering her on from the sidelines.

it came a little later as it got darker, and ikari looked to her phone and to kaori.

"hatori said you want to meet up for drinks?" she said, looking to her from the table.

the two were sat down at a bench, ikari with some tofu and kaori with tuna. kaori nodded as she had finished off her food, getting ikari's empty food tray and stacking it on top of hers.

"sure, i've eaten anyway so i don't have to worry about limited food options," kaori nodded.

"let's go then," ikari smiled, grabbing her hand and dragging her along.

the two walked towards the bar hatori had told them to meet at, kaori laughing at something ikari said as they walked down. they were sat at a bench, hatori, yuta, momo, and unfortunately semi.

but it was a given.

the two girls sat down, ikari making sure she was at the opposite side of semi, so it would be somewhat peaceful.

"where you guys been?" hatori asked them

"we went over to grab food, seen as though we both don't eat meat," ikari explained.

"oh, you vegan too kaori?" hatori asked.

she shook her head. "pescatarian,"

"huh?" hatori asked, not sure what that was.

"vegetarian but she still eats fish," semi explained from beside him, not paying much attention.

"and you know sooo much about kaori's diet semi?" ikari teased.

"nothing about kaneko, i just know what a pescatarian is," semi rolled his eyes.

"i didn't know that was a thing, how long you been doing that for?" hatori asked beside her.

"high school, we had a farm on campus and i got really attached to this pig, i called him chops," kaori said thinking back to the pig. "then they took him to get killed, i made a petition against it and tried to get the school to stop it,"

"oh, how did that turn out?" yuta asked intrigued.

"the pig died," semi said flatly.

"oh shit, sorry shouldn't have asked," yuta smiled awkwardly, as momo patted him on the thigh supportively.

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