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kaori groaned as she woke up in her bed, she forced her eyes to open, feeling how dry and hoarse her throat felt. she touched her head as it ached slightly and stretched out.

"jesus fuck," she mumbled swinging her legs out of the bed and stood up, stretching again as she stood up. her eyes opened fully now and she froze confused.

she realised the room was all opposite, she froze as she turned around looking around. everything was the same, the bedding, curtains, the interior. but everything was on the opposite side of where it should be. she frowned confused. she must be imagining things and disoriented she thought, still not fully all with it from drinking last night.

kaori needed a drink to help with her dry mouth and headache, deciding to head to the kitchen. leaving her room and grabbing a cup from the draining board as she ran the tap for cold water. filling her cup up and gulping it all down and then refilling the cup to do the same. she groaned to herself and filled the cup up for a third time, walking over to the lounge and she sat on the couch, putting her cup on the small table in front.

but she froze.

"huh?" something said groaning.

couches don't make noises. or feel this uncomfortable.

kaori looked down and realised someone was on the couch.

"oh my god!" she gasped standing up.

semi laid on the couch half asleep looking up
to her with half open eyes.

"what the hell are you doing?" he asked her groggily.

"sorry! i didn't see you! i just—" she cut herself
off realising semi was here.

she stopped once more, glancing around the cabin and looked down at semi confused. why was semi in her cabin? semi who was currently shirtless with a blanket draped over him barely covering the top of his torso. his bare skin exposed as he sat up on the couch, suddenly awake and no longer tired.

she looked away quickly, realising she was staring at him and swallowed hard. she knew in high school how buff he was, but wow, had he really been working on his body. kaori tried to get rid of the thought looking to face him, ensuring her eyes didn't go below his neck.

"why are you here?" she asked.

"huh? what in my cabin?" semi asked her baffled.

"what?" she asked confused.

realising that was why everything was opposite. it wasn't their cabin. she looker around and everything seemed to click into place. until it didn't. turning to face semi confused.

"why am i here? in your cabin?" she asked him perplexed.

"why are you stood in front of me in my shirt?" semi asked her, his eyes on the floor.

she looked down, she was wearing his led zeppelin shirt that was basically a small
dress on her, coming just under her butt. she flushed realising how much skin she was showing. she tried to find something to
cover up, nothing being close for her not to turn around and give semi an eye full.

she heard him huff, looking to see him passing her the blanket he had. leaving him in just a pair of grey joggers. kaori took it and wrapped it around her waist, but realised her mistake when she saw semi stand up, her eyes meeting face with his chest, that was bare and muscular. she stepped back quickly from him, feeling herself get flushed as she grabbed a pillow from the other chair and pushed it towards his chest hurriedly.

semi looked down at the pillow and held it to his chest, but she could hear him stifle a laugh at her.

"whats up, kaneko?" he asked her.

cocoon ✈︎ semi eitaWhere stories live. Discover now