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in the morning momo had said she was coming to ikari and kaori's cabin for breakfast, kaori and ikari had both made porridge for them both of them. kaori was going to make eggs, but with ikari being vegan, thought better of it and just stuck with something easier to make.

momo coming over and sitting with them both at the table as they ate. planning their outfits and what they would do, as ikari and the others would probably be sound checking for some of the day, for their performance on the main stage tomorrow.

"oh, sorry as well for worrying you both last night, i didn't realise how late it was, i should have dropped another message that i was still out," kaori told them both feeling guilty after semi had basically shouted at her in front of everyone last night about it.

momo frowned at her, looking up from her bowl and pulled a face that showed a little confusion.

"what do you mean? worried how?" momo asked shovelling a spoonful in her mouth.

kaori glanced at her sceptically, looking to ikari who to pulled a confused face, blowing on her food before she put it into her mouth.

"last night? so you guys weren't worried at the fact i was out until like three am?" kaori asked confused.

she did hear semi right didn't she? that ikari and momo were worried that she hadn't let them know she was still out. kaori had been worried most of the morning thinking the two might have been annoyed with her because of it. she had been dwelling all morning and night about how to bring it up and apologise, thinking they would both be a little funny with her.

but the two looked at her like they had no idea what she was even talking about.

"jeez, you were out that late? after you left i only stayed like another half an hour, i came in and crashed straight to bed. the drive really took it out of me," ikari said to her yawning.

"yeah, me and yuta headed back just after you, we were asleep by eleven, i think hatori and semi stayed out a little later though," momo said shrugging.

"oh, so you guys weren't pissed?" kaori asked a little relieved.

"why would we be? you're a big girl," ikari laughed at her.

"no reason, just pretend i never mentioned it," kaori shook her head.

there was way too much to address. too much she didn't even want to think about at this time in the morning. kaori didn't understand why semi would lie about them both worrying about her not coming back for hours, and why he would make such a big deal out of it. it clearly wasn't, no one else seemed to care.

kaori sighed, trying not to think too much about it.

"why were you out so late? fun with daichi?" momo asked, raising her eyebrows knowingly.

"oh no," she shook her head and laughed a little. "not like that, just hung out, it was nice,"

"cute co-worker daichi who's on the detective unit huh?" ikari said to her with the same
look momo gave her.

kaori laughed and rolled her eyes, shaking her head and her hand at them both to shut them down.

"just friendly co-workers," kaori empathised to them.

"friendly co-workers who commute and go out drinking after work together?" momo teased.

"you're kidding!" ikari laughed loudly.

"it's friendly! very much friendly!" kaori laughed trying to shut them both down.

the three of them finished off their breakfast, as momo washed up for them both as they decided to get ready. ikari wouldn't be able to join, she had soundcheck to go to. but promised when she was done she'd text them both and meet up, leaving momo and kaori getting ready.

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