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kaori was annoyed at him, but mainly herself. how did she even get herself in that situation. she hated herself and her stupid drunkness for wandering in there last night by accident, having to put up with his foul mood. everytime she felt she had a right to enjoy herself this weekend, he came along and reminded her of why she was here. the spare part, the plus one, the extra for the bandmates almost girlfriend.

she refused to let him ruin her last day, she would enjoy it, she wouldn't let semi eita ruin her fun.

"what did you go on with daichi? we can tackle whatever you didn't do," momo asked her, the two of them walking arms linked, yuta walked behind them.

this time, it was yuta's day to third wheel, which he had been very understanding and cool about to the two girls happiness.

"i don't remember much, he won me the duck and we went on the big wheel," kaori thought to herself.

"the ferris wheel?" momo asked her, referring back to the big wheel.

"yes, the big wheel," kaori nodded.

"okay, so dodgems?" she asked.

"obviously," kaori laughed pulling her to the queue.

the two getting into separate vehicles, well three including yuta. he was just there. and momo and kaori laughed as they purposely rammed into each other, momo getting caught in a big jam with other cars and getting stuck, so kaori and yuta ended up just driving in circles around each other as momo was shouting angrily at the childen who had blocked her in.

when they had finished yuta and kaori were too busy laughing at momo being stuck, making momo roll her eyes annoyed at them both and telling them to stop.

kaori dragged momo to one of the rickety rollercoasters that looked like they might fly off the tracks any minute, or a screw falling loose. momo trying to convince her friend to choose something else, but ended up going on with kaori as she pleaded and pleaded with her.

kaori laughing the whole time with her arms
in the arm, momo on the other hand, grabbed the rails thinking she might have died or fallen off if she let go of the lap belt.

the two went on a couple more rides and got some food, yuta standing by the lines for them and waiting at empty tables with food. the occasional fan coming over to ask yuta for a photo, which he always smiled for happily and agreed to.

after they had finished their food it had gotten pretty late, the music from the main stage could be heard as they ate chatting. kaori finishing up her veggie burger and stretched her arms up.

"where you going? do you want to come watch the last act with us?" yuta asked her.

kaori looked up to them both.

she could of agreed, joining in on their last night together. she felt a little mean though did kaori. they had planned the last night for them two, not three. kaori gave herself a moment's thought, but then shook her head.

"i'll meet up with ikari or daichi, you guys do you're thing," kaori smiled.

momo shook her head. "at least let us walk you to meet one of them, i don't want to just up and leave you alone,"

"it's fine, i'll stay here and ring one of them—"

"then we can wait with you," yuta shrugged.

"the band is on soon, you'll miss it," kaori argued.

"so? i'd rather know you're safe," momo told her.

kaori laughed and shook her head. "i'm fine by myself for like ten minutes, it's not a big deal," she stood up.

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