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it had been a couple weeks since kaori had seen semi. in honesty she had been avoiding him as best as she could. which made her feel guilty at tendou constantly asking her over to ushijima's, but she was too paranoid that semi would be there. she had decided she was better off not seeing him. also slightly terrified of what asato would do to her.

so kaori just decided to focus on work. she had been staying a couple hours over on her shifts to take up a couple more work issued. she was hoping if they saw her hard work and over achieving tactics, they would choose her for the new forensic in the station. kaori only had a couple another month if she had calculated properly, meaning soon they would be looking at her promotion. and she was hoping to get on the better forensic team with the bigger cases.

a little sacrifice she thought, but it would work out better for her, working on cases that were interesting and not just petty crimes.

kaori had been avoiding the cafe her and daichi usually went to on their break, a little worried of bumping into semi. so the two had been unfortunately using the coffee they provided at the station. which was nowhere near as satisfying as the place down the road. but kaori was telling herself it would only be temporary, until whatever this weird situation was passed.

because kaori had been so deep in work, momo had called a small intervention, a little worried at her lack of social interaction. deciding tonight she would persuade her to actually do something other than work, and go out for some food and drinks with her. and momo had some how got a hold of kiyoko's contact details, convincing kaori to go at promise of seeing her new friend.

"hey! i was so excited when you guys asked to hang!" kiyoko smiled happily.

kiyoko didn't have many friends in tokyo that were female. a lot of her friends were friends of her boyfriend tanaka, so she had never really felt the need to go out and meet new people while having her old high school friends. kiyoko had been excited since momo had invited her to come.

"i'm just glad to hang out away from daichi," kaori said happily, embracing her as kiyoko held her arms open to hug the girl.

momo watched a little skeptical, but just smiled to her, bidding her a hello. the three of them walking into the bar.

"how have you been? what've you been up to since?" kaori asked her walking beside ger.

"oh, i'm so boring," kiyoko laughed a little. "i literally work then go home and see ryu, works the same as always, i'm just glad to get out and spend time with girls rather than ryu and his friends,"

"you're always welcome to hang with us," kaori grinned happily.

"yes," momo agreed less enthusiastic.

the three walked further along, kiyoko leading them to a small table in the corner. the three got themselves settled, kaori taking her coat off and placing her bag on the table. they decided what drinks to start with, kaori turned her head to the bar to walk towards it and get the first round. but stopped.

momo looked to her a little confused, following her gaze.

momo realised why she was now in a mental battle on what to do.

"we can leave, i don't think he's seen us," momo told her, grabbing her bag to make a swift exit.

kaori had told momo the parts of the current kaori, semi and asato drama that had transpired during and after the festival. momo understood the awkwardness for kaori, and knew how kaori hated these kind if situations and agreed it was best for kaori to give semi and asato space to sort out their weird dynamic.

"kaoie!!! my darling, the light of my life!" tendou shouted over.

of course he had spotted her from over there, it was like he had a kaori sensor implanted in him.

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