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kaori tried not to let semi's outburst ruin the rest of the night, staying out to stay and watch a few more groups, and getting drinks with momo and kiyoko, making momo and kiyoko becoming somewhat friends. she said somewhat as kiyoko was friendly with momo, but momo was still stand offish with her, but it was an improvement in kaori's eyes. which was fun to say the least, hanging out with the three.

now kaori sat on the small patio outside the cabin, on her phone as ikari was getting a good rest before her long day tomorrow. kaori looked further down the camp, seeing the other cabins lined up beside.

now she was alone, she thought about what semi said earlier. she never knew if that was real reason semi all of sudden stopped speaking to her and decided on this self proclaimed hatred. but it never added up. whether he pretended to be her friend or not, the two told each other too many personal things during those years friends for it to be fake from his perspective.

but if he wanted to dismiss it that quickly, then so be it.

she sighed, leaning back in the chair looking at her phone, glancing up occasionally at the stars in the sky above. the serenity as hearing the distant voices by the field of people still out and partying. it had been far too long of a day to stay out their all night. especially after she spent most of last night out late as well, she was too tired, and also semi's outburst put a damper on her mood.

she heard someone shuffling around as the door opened a little further down. kaori glanced to the left, seeing what was going on. of course semi and hatori's cabin was next door to theirs. and of course semi decided now of all times
to do some stargazing.

he too looked in her direction, the two glancing to each other, neither one saying anything. but kaori looked away first, still hurt and upset by what he said earlier, glancing back at her phone with a huff.

semi didn't say anything, sitting on a chair on his patio.

there was a lot of distance between them, but it still felt so awkward. the tension could be felt even when the two were metres apart. kaori groaned to herself, curiosity getting the better of her.

"why did you do that?" she asked him, not looking to him when she spoke.

semi glanced at her, trying to read her, but unable to do so as she just stared down at a text on her phone.

"i was just being honest, i told you," semi shrugged.

"well you could have been a little nicer considering the people around, why would you go out of your way to embarrass me like that?" she asked him, still not looking up.

"so you can embarrass me but god forbid i do it to you?" he asked her.

"what are on even on about?" she asked him even more annoyed. "you keep speaking in code,"

semi scoffed not saying anything. he just grumbled to himself something she couldn't quite catch. he leaned onto the wooden banisters around the end of the back to hold himself up looking down to the floor.

"i wasn't meant to embarrass you—"

"then what were you trying to achieve saying that?" kaori said looking at him now.

"nothing, i don't want people getting the wrong idea thinking we were friends," semi told her.

"really? were those years of us being friends that terrible for you?" she asked.

"please, don't give me that, we both act like it never happened,"

kaori froze, she wasn't expecting him to be so cold about it. but then again, she didn't really know what she expected from him anymore. he really wasn't the same as when she knew him. he was still stubborn and moody, but the semi she knew would never be so mean and cruel without a reason.

cocoon ✈︎ semi eitaWhere stories live. Discover now