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kaori reluctantly walked over to the table feeling very awkward as momo was next to her, her face her version of what kaori considered to be excited. her lips were curved ever so slightly, her eyes looked bigger and weren't as narrow in the way she normally looked unapproachable. kaori stood next to tendou knowing he wouldn't make her feel as out of place.

tendou looked to her smiling, happy she had come over as his attention turned to momo, he pulled a grimaced face to the girl. but he turned to kaori, ignoring her friend's presence and grabbed her hands and pulled her closer.

"missed us already?" tendou asked her grinning.

"no, momo is a fan of the band," kaori said pointing to momo next to her.

"really? i didn't think she liked anything other than black and death," he said to momo, looking down at her all black attire, her black eyeliner, black hair.

she wasn't the most colourful. momo said it represented her personality.

"wow funny, surprised you can form a sentence from all that coke shoved up your nose," momo retorted.

tendou gasped and pretended to look offended.

"how hurtful, i don't even do that anymore," he said smiling, but his eyes were harsh staring her down.

momo stared back just as harsh. kaori stood in the middle of them both awkwardly rocking back and forth, glancing at them both.

"okay please stop?" kaori asked them both.

"sorry sweetie," momo smiled at her. "anyway, where's the band guy you hate?" she asked.

"there," kaori pointed to the grey haired boy sat down at the table.

"ahhhh, semi semi, you have a fan," tendou said
coming over to momo.

"get lost, fuck face," momo rolled her eyes.

"you forget this is my table?" tendou looked to her smirking, walking to kaori putting his arm around her and squeezing.

antagonising momo. momo stared at him and tendou squeezed kaori tighter.

"you're going to crush me," kaori squeaked out.

"sorry kaoie," tendou let go and pat her head.

"fuck off satori, i can't be bothered with your number one fan shit again," semi spoke now, turning around seeing tendou with kaori.

semi looked to kaori again, looking her up and down, kaori looked to him and stared back awkwardly. semi must of thought tendou was referring to her teasing him, not noticing momo just a little in front of them staring at tendou annoyed still.

kaori pointed to momo, semi furrowed his eyebrows confused why she was pointing behind him.

"not me, you insufferable dick, momo," kaori said.

semi turned his head to where she pointed, seeing momo stood just beside him looking to the others. momo looked down to semi realising he was now looking, she looked down narrowly to him.

to say momo had dragged her here to talk to the band, all she did was give semi her judgement stare. kaori watched the two stare at one another, neither saying anything. momo looked to kaori and sighed.

cocoon ✈︎ semi eitaWhere stories live. Discover now