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kaori didn't wake up until late the next day, having a slight hangover from heavily drinking. she groaned loudly seeing the time and how long she had slept in.

wait, slept in?

she glanced again at her clock.


kaori's heart sank. she had approximately 39 minutes to get to work. it took 30 minutes to get there on a good day with no traffic.

if she wanted to be there on-time, she needed to leave her house in 9 minutes.

kaori screamed and rushed out of bed. throwing the covers off herself in a fit and ran to her bathroom. no time for skincare, water, moisturiser and spf it was. quickly rubbing harshly all over her face and running back
to her room.

she undressed as she ran back, grabbing some work pants and blouse and threw them on quickly, spraying her perfume and deodorant. her bag on the side, she rummaged through to see if everything was there. her purse, her keycard. that was good enough.

she made sure she had her keys and phone and left, lunch would have to be bought.

she rang daichi on the way out, running down her apartment stairs and towards the station.

"yo i'm at the usual place, you're usually here by now, all good?" he asked a little concerned.

"i'm coming! please wait i'm like 5 minutes away i'm running!" she shouted down the phone, already out of breath.

"okay," he laughed. "woke up late? that's unlike you," he chimed.

"i know! i'll fill you in, i'll be there soon!" she hung up.

god help her.

her day at work had been awful to start with, rushing in the morning, have no food before she went. her head killed from the hangover. but when she met daichi at the station things started to look up.

he had bought her a coffee, which she almost cried when she saw. the train gave them an extra minute so they were able to jump on the train just in time. daichi luckily had paracetamol on his bag too. he was always so prepared. like she usually was, but not today.

her lunch was nice too, she had convinced daichi to come with her to the cafe down the road for a sandwich. so the two ate together and chatted and she told him about why she was late up.

but now she sat in the lab. she had a breakthrough today for one of the major crimes. of course her supervisor had to check over her findings first to validate it, but she felt accomplished. satisfied.

she sat looking at some new evidence that she had been giving, looking through the microscope, turning the lens to see clearer. but she couldn't focus, her mind now drifting to one topic. a topic she hadn't wanted to think about, so she had kept herself busy all day to stop herself.

semi eita had a girlfriend. kaori thought it impossible, but it apparently it was true.

kaori knew she didn't like him anymore, it had been almost four years, of course kaori didn't have feelings for him anymore. that's what she liked to tell herself. but seeing him yesterday made her remember why she ever had such feelings for him.

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