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work wasn't too bad currently. she and daichi both had a good shift at the station looking at samples from a recent crime scene, sometimes her job wasn't so boring when they had interesting stuff to do.

it continued in the same routine for the next couple of days, momo and kaori cooking together when they both got home, before both turning in for the night to repeat the same pattern. but later that week momo was out working late, so kaori decided she would grab food on the way home instead of cooking.

she stood in the small takeout area of the restaurant waiting for her order, hearing the small bell ring as someone else entered, she looked up. and then looked down quickly.

hearing the person click their tongue in annoyance, she didn't even look back up, averting her eyes to avoid eye contact.

"can't even get food in peace," semi muttered annoyed to himself.

kaori but didn't respond as she just looked at the counter, hoping her food would appear soon.

the two hadn't spoken since his small outburst. she had been to nervous to even glance in her direction afterwards, worried she might warrant him blowing off at her again. she didn't stay much longer after that, feeling uncomfortable in his presence.

even though they had dealt with each other like that a million times, it just seemed so much worse now. more tension, more hostility. it made it more unbearable for her. kaori usually avoided conflict with semi when necessary, only biting back if she needed to.

semi didn't even try sit on the opposite side of the bench, standing beside the door so he was as far away as possible.

"you here to collect?" one of the guys asked semi behind the counter.

"yeah, it's for semi," he said nodding.

the guy nodded. "be another ten minutes," he said before heading back.

ten minutes.

who knew how long her food would be, hopefully not ten minutes. a few minutes of awkward silence passed. the two looking at the wall in front, not even looking in the others direction, but when kaori looked at her watch, it had only been just a minute. she groaned quietly, wondering how long she would have to endure this.

semi must of thought the same as she heard him sigh loudly to himself.

"those shoes are ugly," he said to her.

kaori looked down to her loafers she wore in the lab today, looking to semi with an passive look and shrugged. he was right, especially after she split one of the solutions for the dna processor on them, making them a little discoloured.

"yeah, i split solution on them in the lab," she said turning them slightly to see the backs of them.

"of course you did," he rolled his eyes, she knew she was clumsy, nodding a little.

"what's with the sunglasses?" she asked him. "it's practically dark out there? are you stoned?" she asked him.

semi groaned. "i'm hungover, shit face," he replied.

"it's 8pm," she said blankly.

"yeah, and i'm hungover," he repeated.

"oh, well," she cut off awkwardly. "i hope you feel better,"

"i don't want you to," he shook his head.

"okay, well i hope you go home and feel like shit then," kaori smiled, looking away.

he stared at her pulling a face as she looked away, but she saw out the corner of her eye as she stared back at him with her eyebrows raised.

"i saw that," she muttered.

cocoon ✈︎ semi eitaWhere stories live. Discover now