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kaori finished up her job, bidding goodbye to her co-worker daichi, the two had travelled back together and parted ways at the station as usual.

kaori hadn't mentioned the party yet to momo, she hadn't seen her getting back late last night, and when going to work this morning momo was still asleep. kaori was going to tell her when she got back. she was unsure whether to invite her, knowing tendou had specifically said not to
bring her. but kaori felt bad going without offering her, especially when yuta was going.

kaori knew that momo had been texting yuta yesterday, as she had sent her a screenshot of him messaging her after the bar two nights ago. but she would see what she said, and just make sure she bought an expensive bottle of vodka for tendou to apologise.

but momo still hadn't returned yet.

kaori decided to get herself ready, if momo wasn't back before she left she'd drop her a message.

kaori got out from the shower and went to the kitchen to grab a snack, seeing momo walk through the door, she smiled and waved. still in her post shower shirt, food in hand.

"hey, good day?" she asked her.

"shit," momo moaned, slamming her bag on the table. "yuta asked if i'm going to some party with you tonight at your friends?"

"oh yeah, satori is throwing a party, you wanna come?" she asked her.

"ugh, satori," she mimicked annoyed. "seriously?"

"you don't have to see him," kaori told her.

"it's hard when he's constantly around you, how am i supposed to spend time with you when he's always loitering," she groaned walking over, taking a bite out of the food in her hand.

"well, the decision is yours, but i would like you to come," kaori gave her a knowing look and grinned at her scowl. "i'm leaving in like twenty minutes," kaori sighed and walked away leaving her.

kaori left momo in the kitchen to get ready, applying some light makeup and brushing her hair out after having it up all day at work. redressing before she left her room, waiting a couple more minutes to see if momo would come.

momo in the end decided to come, after texting yuta. she had made out to him kaori was dragging her there to make sure she wasn't travelling alone, worried for her shyer friend. but kaori laughed at momo's reason too, knowing she definitely just wanted an excuse to see him again.

kaori and momo walked through the city towards the building once more, heading inside. but when they reached the lift, stepping inside and kaori pressed the floor number, watching the doors close. but someone had stopped it quickly, joining them.

kaori locked eyes with semi, who instantly recoiled seeing who's lift he stopped. and stood looking inside at them both for a couple moments.

"you getting in? or you just going to stand in the way of the doors?" momo asked annoyed.

semi glanced to her, not saying anything then back to kaori. kaori shuffled towards momo, giving him enough room to be not stood too close to her for him to have an aneurysm.

semi stepped in, walking to the opposite side, the doors closing. kaori sighed quietly, looking down to avoid his eyes. semi looking in front at the doors.

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