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She scurried towards a pillar, hiding behind the thick curved wall as she peeked her head out to look. Her eyes were met by the sight of a naked god fucking a frozen pleasure girl. His hips were snapping back and forth as he pounded into her from behind. And Eden almost, almost died from the shock. Although she might have died from his beauty first.

He was gorgeous, devastatingly so.

So gorgeous that her mouth went dry and her heart pounded faster than before, her body lurching forward with a strange need to approach him. The muscular organ within her chest was desperately pumping blood through her system as his beauty sent her body into overdrive.

With beautiful sun-kissed skin and hair the colour of spun gold, his features were angular and sharply chiselled into high cheekbones and a well-defined heart-shaped jaw. He had everything the other gods had with their symmetry and angular beauty. But in the celestial arch of his strong nose and the masculinity of well-defined brows, there was something so much more.

Eden didn't know how to describe it, but the man before her was charismatic in ways that reminded her of a roaring fire. The sexual aura that he exuded was in the dance of muscle in his jaw; in the tilt of his head as he tossed his hair back exposing the tanned gold of his neck. It was in his mannerisms, the way he bit his lips turning pale pink into rosy red; in the hoods of his eyes that were ladened thick with long dark gold lashes.

It was in his very being ― the fire.

The fire that blazed within him, the heat of his body radiating out of him in waves. And whatever it was, it sent a jolt of lust through her system and a deep ache of need that blossomed between her thighs. Eden's eyes drew downwards as she looked on, unable to stop herself.

Holy Fuck. Her breath hitched as she involuntarily swallowed the sudden additional pool of saliva.

He was all muscle and no fat. The fibrous tissue of his body was carved into his frame at the exquisitely perfect amount, shape and size. Her breath hitched, catching in her throat as she watched him move. The strands of muscles at the sides of his ribs rippled as he thrust his hips forward, his six packs hardening into clear defined lines.

His body was glistening, dewy with tiny droplets of his sweat. They caught the light of the moon whenever he moved, making his skin glisten with hundreds of thousands of stars. She couldn't help it. Eden really couldn't with the line that dragged her gaze down even further. Her eyes dropped down to the deep V line that cut from his hips and dipped to the sight of an impressive cock that sent her heart leaping into her mouth.

She couldn't see it in its entirety, especially with half of his package stuffed into the plush ass of the pleasure girl. But whenever he pulled back just a little, she could see traces of a glistening tanned shaft, thick and deliciously hard.

Her heart, it pounded.


Eden could feel her heartbeat all the way to her clit, pulsating softly at the sight, her pleasure spreading up her skin and burning her alive. She had never felt this way ― had never been so tightly wound up that she was almost begging for release. Her breath caught in her throat as she finally realised what she was essentially seeing.

He was fucking her, the frozen girl stuck in time, pushing her forward onto the table as he thrust into her again and again.

He was fucking a girl who was frozen.

Eden's heart lurched. Did the pleasure girl know? She wondered. Had he asked for permission beforehand? She swallowed thickly. He must have since the pleasure girl's panties were usually locked to prevent rape. It was an additional protection measure for all staff in Ukiyo.

The Dragons' Bathhouse: A Reverse Harem Enemies-to-Lovers Soulmate RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now