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Her entrance was needy and wanting. It suckled on his swollen mushroom head, desperately milking him for his cum. His pleasure with her was nothing like he had ever experienced. Not one of his conquests could top the smell of her arousal in the air, the taste of her skin on his tongue and her walls squeezing his cocks.

With Eden, he was a bumbling, horny teenager all over again. His dick close to bursting with just a few pumps of his hips, his head dizzy and lost in his pleasure. His soulmate sparked the soul fire within him, and with it came the roar of lust that turned him insane. His senses were swarmed, and he was going to die from pleasure the moment he bottomed out in her folds. He knew it.

"You're so wet," he marvelled, shifting his hips, pleased at the sound of her cunt with its lewd hungry slurps of his cock head as he gave her shallow thrusts. "You're soaking, are you that aroused? Turned on by the thought of fucking me with my brother asleep? Or is this all just my semen?"

He dropped his fingers to his cock, swiping her wetness to feel at the consistency. It was clear and sticky, not pearlescent and gooey like his cum. He grinned. Fuck, yeah. Pride danced in his chest as his fingers battered her clit.

"Can you just shut up and stop edging me?" she groaned, whining softly. "I need you. I want—Ah!" He silenced her with a harsh thrust of his cocks, his shaft sliding in to bottom out within her folds. He was completely in her heat, her slippery walls coating his throbbing dicks. "Yes," she exhaled, a dreamy, completely fucked look on her face. It was a face that almost took him over the edge. He bit his lips, straining so hard that his veins popped over his skin.

"I'm going to fucking die," he groaned through his clenched teeth.

His voice was all wrong, the growls were smothered and subdued by his pleasure. He sounded like a pussy, but she seemed to like his moans because she clamped down harder over his dick. Five thrusts in and she was already reaching her top, Kaizel could feel it in the spasms and pulses in her cunt, he could see it in her clenched toes and arched back.

"God, god. Kaizel." She was whining over his cock, clenching and jerking as she twisted over his pumping dick. He could feel her climax rumbling out of her from the pulsations in her pussy and the twitches of her engorged, reddened clit on his palm.

She was going to cum so hard.

He tilted his hips, striking against her g-spot in a punishing rhythm as he desperately tried to make her cum so that he could. His balls were aching, thick and filled with the need to ejaculate, painfully tight. He needed that final squeeze, that final clench from her greedy cunt that would take him to his climax.

"F-fuck, my love. You're so damn fucking hot. I love you so much," he cried between pants as he pounded into her soft, pliant body. Her only response was a soft wail of need.

The fire was building in his chest. It soared, roaring over his skin, spilling over his body and flooding to his dick pumping him full of renewed energy. In his thrusts, the fire danced, fed by her writhing frame, fed by her cries for orgasm.

"Ah, ngaah Kaizel." Her voice was ripped from her throat as his fingers strummed her clit so hard that his arms cramped and went numb.

She came, convulsing over his dick, squeezing it so hard that his cocks were practically strangled in her muscular, slippery heat. She was practically trying to eject his dick out of her body at the strength of her walls.

He was coming along with her seconds later and white flooded his vision sending him into a state of catharsis. He was filling her, coming so hard that he spewed rope after rope of hot, almost boiling semen into both her holes, possessed by the pleasure. She was gasping, the soulmate bond between them firing into sparks of gold and red. It was a final drop of oil into the bonfire in his heart.

And Kaizel lost control.

Everything became muffled in Kaizel's head as the soul fire was fuelled to the breaking point. A rush of blood that pounded in his head like the beat of a drum, along with his racing heart. Kaizel's head was lost and all he could see was a maddening blur of fire and her. His dragon demanded him to take her harder, faster. The fire took from him the knowledge of who he was, the barriers, the need to stop.

It was all fucking gone.

All he could see was her, and her pleasure. He growled, animalistic and savage. She was slumped in his hold, her pretty scent of raspberries and musk deep in his nose. He wanted more. He wanted it saturating the room in thick fumes. He wanted to taste her on his tongue. He wanted his fire to roar. His fingers started again over her clit, pulling back the hood to flick at the painfully swollen nub, uncaring of her discomfort. She gasped, tilting her head up to him in her confusion.

He vaguely registered the light slaps of her hand on his arm from the oversensitivity and the muffled movement of her lips that spoke to him. But his soul refused to let him stop, blurring out the unnecessary details. It only needed one thing.

His fingers danced, rekindling the pleasure that had surged through her system. His cocks had hardened again in her pussy and he was now pounding into her, hard and fast, no longer caring of his brother's sleeping form. He was violently rocking into her heat, greedy for her release as he pummelled into her sensitive spots. He was filling her and then emptying her again and again on repeat, forcing out the undulations of her body and the tremors of pleasure that surged across her skin.

She was confused, but he could see the pleasure surging through her contorted features. And it was more than just a need to get her off. It was a need to fuel that fire in his chest. A need to take what he wanted. A need for the fire to burn, to let it rise so high that he would feel this pleasure and heat forever—

"KAIZEL!" A sharp slap to his cheeks and he was thrown out of the bed, out of her grasp. He fell, slipping off the silky sheets to slam into the wall. The pain blossomed over his injured back and he roared, growling at the challenger that dared to take him away from his mate—

And recognition flooded his features at the sight of his twin brother poised over her body protectively. His blue eyes were glowing in the dark, the slits of silver tearing into his body, daring him to challenge him. And Kaizel remembered where he was, who he was, and what he was doing.

He had almost succumbed to the soul fire.

Horror dawned on him as the fire dropped just enough for him to understand. But not enough for his chest to stop tugging at him, begging him to fuck her, again and again, to wrench orgasm after orgasm from her clit. To take and take until she would fucking die.

She would die.

His horror was cold in his chest, cold hard and strong like a chain to his feet. Kaizel was stumbling out of the room in an instant, ignoring the cries of confusion from his soulmate. He ignored the soft purrs from his brother, who soothed and cooed her. He ignored the sound of his brother easing her pleasure away with his deft fingers and comforting whispers. He only had one priority at the moment. One priority to take back the control.

He would do anything for her. 

The Dragons' Bathhouse: A Reverse Harem Enemies-to-Lovers Soulmate RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now