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"Do you regret it?" His brother had whispered to him from across the room. "Meeting her?"

They sat with their back to the wall, waiting for the insanity to hit. Kaizel had shaken his head in his daze. His eyes drifting towards the empty spot in the wall, the hallucination of her stood watching him with her pretty tapioca eyes. She smiled and his heart fluttered, hoping that she would step just a little closer.

"No, never," he answered, his eyes glued to the wall, his nose flaring as he buried his face into the clothes with her scent. "Never." He murmured, nuzzling his nose into the sweet raspberry musk.

Under his closed eyelids he could see her writhing over his cock, her sweet body pressed flushed against his, her skin silky smooth and warm, so warm. But to him, nothing else mattered but her smile. The pink in her cheeks, the happiness that burst out of her body in sweet giggles of laughter.

He could see her, in his daze.

Then the need struck him hard and fast. A fire that roared and spilt over his skin, coiling deep in his cock and forcing it to stand to full mast. It was a cramping sort of agony that crippled his body, and it wrecked his body with tremors of burning pain. Terror swelled in his chest as the fever consumed him whole, the tugs of his soul transforming to heaves and pulls.


A strange urge overtook him, and he writhed against the cold tiles. He was consumed by his feelings. The pain in his soul that yearned for her touch, the tightness in his balls eager for release, the raging arousal that pulsated in his hard, swollen red cocks. And as he panted, his body was burning up and melting the ground. His fire, the dragon fire, the soul fire, they seeped out of his body and danced over the rocks.

He could see her.

Her with her naked body plastered to his, her whispering soft words to him. She told him to escape the chains, she told him to find her. She told him to run to the Human Realm and take her again and again. He pulled at his chains and it dug into his flesh, tearing at his skin. He roared as he pulled. Why couldn't he break free? He needed to go to her! He needed to taste her. He needed her...Her...Where was Eden? Where? He buried his nose into her clothes, inhaling her sweet scent as he rubbed his cocks against the fabric.

The dry orgasm that spurted from his body was weak. It blossomed at the base of his spine, a brief release of pressure that did nothing to help the ache within him. He needed more. He needed more. He needed her. He began to cry, sobbing desperately into her clothes as the cramps started in his belly, spreading to his needy cock that oozed a flood of pre-cum.

He wanted her so much.

And the torture had only just begun.



Travelling through the portal and to the Human Realm was easy as a staff member of Ukiyo. Workers travelled to and fro all the time to purchase goods and services from her world. And so it was easy, too easy, for Eden to slip into the travel pods with a group of humans and return to her homeworld. She had sneaked away from the group once they arrived, heading towards the exit station for human workers.

But getting out of the station and into the Human Realm without clearance proved to be too difficult. Eden sat on a plastic bench, tapping her feet on the plastic as she rubbed her chilly arms. It seemed that she needed proof. Proof that she was coming back to the realm not because she had angered a mythical creature or because she was trying to escape her life sentence at a job post. She needed a travel endorsement of sorts or enough money to pay the fee to make her one in.

Money...Eden had laughed at those words, stumbling away quickly.

It was raining, the humidity misting up the dirtied glass that separated her from her freedom. The rain kept the smell of the station in and the scent of cigarettes, stale food and body odour was thick in the air. It was the reason why Eden sat at the very edge of the vicinity, at an open area where the rain pelted against her skin, drenching her clothes.

She didn't mind the cold on the first night, the fire within her chest had burned and tugged keeping her awake as it begged her to return to her dragons. It whispered words in her ears. They knew they fucked up. They knew that, but instead of running away, they tried to make things better. They took you in, they cared for you. Did their actions not mean anything? She shushed it, begging it to quieten down. Those actions meant too much to her, their tender gentle care on her wounded body had been filled with their love. Those actions were the reason why she had fallen in love with them in the first place.

It's stupid of you to hold them to their past. They did say that they love you. They did, she swallowed thickly, staring at the bugs that skittered across the floor, scampering out of the water. They kissed her right before they gave her back her memories. Their kisses had tasted of tears and goodbyes. They knew this would happen. That she would be angry, but they did it anyway. She pursed her lips together.

They could have kept you in there forever. Why give you back your memories? They were happy there with you. Eden bit her lips. Happy? They were only doing those things because they owed her a debt, because they were guilty. Because they regretted their actions. Because although they hated her, they didn't wish death on her.

They were crying, sobbing, pleading for you to stay. They begged you to listen. They told you they love you. But they didn't. They made that clear with their pranks, then they got guilty and they took her in. Their relationship was based upon her pain. Their love for her, whether it was love or not, blossomed from guilt and regret. It was toxic, a relationship with her abusers and almost murderers should poison her forever. It would do her good to walk out from a love like that, soulmate or not. For people who could bring her to the brink of death, would not hesitate to hurt her again for their benefit.

She knew that well enough from the relatives that had swindled her money away. Her heart clenched at those words, and she sat up abruptly walking out into the rain. She stood in the cold for hours, hoping that the shards of water would drown out the heat in her chest. But it never did, the fire stayed burning as it pleaded her to return.

And her heart broke for the weak little flame that begged for their love.

The Dragons' Bathhouse: A Reverse Harem Enemies-to-Lovers Soulmate RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now