chapter 9 murder family

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*(y/n) pov*
I am sliding on the couch with loona snuggled to me

loona" I love you babe"

then moxie walks

moxie " can oun of you hold up this target"
he said with a picture of a family

* time skip*

millie " moxie stop shaking your gowing to shoot ither our only hellhound or giant snake"

(y/n) and loona " wo we feel so loved hier"

millie " just take a deep and let it out"

moxie " but its a family "

millie " thats what the client wants "

moxie " maby a shitty dad or a mob family that's understandable "
loona " hey you don't know they are inisont ok"

(y/n)" correct "

millie " exactly humans are full of shit that's why so many endup down hire
moxie "but"

millie " guilty and inisont aren't our bisnis mox killing who we are pad to is our bisnis shot the target"

moxie " it just seems a bit obsesive "

blizo then bursts down the door with a defrost demon

blitzo" guy I want you to meet"
moxie gets started and shoats an arrow with boses around the room till blitzo catches it

blitzo " our newist client "

the fish tank falls over and the ells light the room on fire


I yell

*time skip *
me moxie blitzo and millie are heading to a cabin out nire the wood
blitzo "ok let's kill this bitch"

moxie " so we're killing a family "

blitzo " no we're killing the mother we're ruining a family "

moxie " wate I think that.."
he shuves blitzo rifle up so the bullet missed

(y/n)  and blitzo " what the fuck moxie "

moxie " im sorry they were just so holsom "

blitzo then gets shot

blitzo " AAAA a new hole scater "

we run in different directions moxie gets nocktout millie runs to the docks and blitzo and I run into the forest

* time skip*

blitzo was captured same with moxie and millie so it is just me and I see all 3 of them on a wooden bord on fire

blitzo " sorry laddy you fire can't hurt us but I can fakeit if that will get your dick hard"

Martha " o shit well il just shoot you in you smart ass mouth "

blitzo " that would be more effective "

moxie and millie "BLITZO "

Ralph " ARFGH"

Martha " Ralph "

I rip ralphs spine out of his back and throw it to the side

(y/n) " for get about me bitch"

she trys to shoot me but the bullet just bounce of my face
Martha " lissan ok let's just make a compromise "
she offers
but I just pump her full off lead with the ad of my gattling gun

millie " (Y/N)"

blitzo " btw mox your not getting your pay check (y/n) I'm doubling your pay check"
I released them and helped blitzo up

(y/n)" mox can I speak to you a minute "
moxie " what is it "

I wisper in his ear
(y/n) " if you pull a stunt like this again I will cripple  you and your wife "
I say in a sinister tone
he looks at me with a horafid look on his face
(y/n)" do you get me"

moxie " yes sir"

(y/n)" ( Y/N)"

moxie " ok (y/n)"

(y/n) "lest go then"

moxie" oun sec i need to get something from the house "

(y/n)" if you are referring to the kids I sent them to a Foster home"

moxie " you know what (y/n) your a good guy sometimes "

when the rattle calls (helluva boss / hazbin hotel x rattlesnake demon readerWhere stories live. Discover now