chapter 27 robing with Angel

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*Angel dust pov*
I need money if I want more good drugs not the free crappie drug you can get out of vending machines
I think for a second

Angel dust " mabe cherri can help na she's not that typ of gal "
then it hit me

Angel dust" (y/n) is perfect for a overlord robory "
I pick up my phone and call him

Angel dust " hey there sexy"

(y/n)" please stop calling me that"

Angel dust " you don't mind when cherri calls you that"

(y/n)" what ever what do you need"

Angel dust " im gowing robing you want in"

(y/n)" sure why not"

Angel dust " exalent meet me outside of valantinos porn club "

I hang up

Angel dust " ok val time for revenge lets see how you dell with a giant rattlesnake "

I lode up my tommy gun and grab a hand grenade

*time skip*

I am waiting for (y/n) to show up

when he does there is an imp next to him

(y/n) " morning "

??? " hi"

Angel dust " who is she"
I say gesturing to the imp

(y/n)" this is millie"

millie " nice to meet you"

Angel dust " im not sure an imp will be of great help"

(y/n)" she's not an ordinary imp i ouns saw her rip a man's head of with a fishing rod"

Angel dust " i stand corrected "

we sneek in and look for valls loot stash

when we find valls valt it needs 3 keys to unlock

Angel dust " fuck"

millie " what"

Angel dust " the bloody door is locked and we need 3 keys to unlock it "

(y/n)" where would he have put them"

Angel dust " well oun is in his office oun is hidden behind his crack collection and velvet has oun"

(y/n)" Angel you get the oun in his office millie you get the oun in the crack collection and I get the oun off velvet "

Angel and millie " got ya"

I sneek in to valls office and it is full of pictures of naked women the key is hanging up over his fire plase

Angel dust " to easy "

i noticed a photo on valls desk when I pick it up I look at it in horror

it is of me naked

I smash the picture on the floor and hope no oun herd it

I sneek out of his office and go back to his valt

millie is there with the oun of the other keys but no (y/n)

After a minute he comes in coverd in lip stick marks and sweat

Angel dust " what happened to you"

millie " yer what did happen "

(y/n)" that velvet woman is seprisinly kinky"

he wips sweat of his for head and gives me the last key we open the valt and it is full on money, gold,diamonds and rubbys

we grab the lot and walk of when we get to the door a hutting vose makes my spine siver

when the rattle calls (helluva boss / hazbin hotel x rattlesnake demon readerWhere stories live. Discover now