chapter 37 babysitting

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*cherri bomb pov*
I walk up and get back to making pip bombs

then I get a text from Angel

Angel dust " hey cherri I got good news"

cherri " really what"

Angel dust " (y/n) is now a father"

cherri " really?"

Angel dust " no joke "

cherri " WOW how isn't his wife a hellhound"

Angel dust " she's a bad ass"

cherri " ok so why are you telling me this good news"

Angel dust " he wants us to babysit for the weekend "

cherri " ok im up for that"

Angel dust " and he is paying us $500 each "

cherri " ok meet me at my apartment "


(y/n) arrived with his baby

(y/n) " ok this is lilly "

Angel dust " cute"

(y/n) " ok so no swering in front of her and no dangerous stunks ok"

cherri " ok "

he then hands me lilly

(y/n) " and to think only a year ago you tried to kill me after you stoll my kill"

cherri " I will never forget that day"

he then left

Angel dust " ok so what do we do now "

cherri " i don't know "

Angel dust " drugs"

cherri " Angel lilly is 5 weeks old she cant have drugs "

he thinks for a minute

Angel dust" ok how about we get some coffee "

cherri " ok Angel she's still a baby she can't have coffee "

Angel dust" then what do babys do"

cherri " eat,sleep ,if youe in the resident evil universe they eat you alive "

Angel" ok how about we Google it?"

cherri " ok"


we finished our research and now we know what to do

Angel dust " so we feed it then it goes to sleep and then we don't have to worry about it till it wakes up"

cherri " yep "

Angel dust " quick question where is the baby"

I then noticed lilly was gone

cherri " fuck fuck fuck"

Angel dust " ok I look on the left side of the house and you look on the right ok"

cherri " ok"

we split up to find lilly


I there hier giggles from under my bed

I look under and see her hugging her tail

cherri " come on come here"

I gently picked her up

cherri " Angel i found her "

I then turn to look at lilly

cherri " come on let's get you some food "

*time skip*

she ate all if the ground breath I gave her
she really is like he father

then a racoon came in through a window

Angel dust " GO AWAY YOU MUT"
he yeld at the racoon

lilly then hisst at it and it ran off

cherri " wow"

I then noticed she had a snake tongue

I then lightly pated her head

she then fell asleep

cherri " aahhhhhhhhh so cute"

I gently picked her up and put her on a sper bed

cherri " sweet dreams "

*time skip *

I wake up and walk to lillys bed

she's still sleeping

cherri " ok I'll start making breakfast "

taking care of kids ant so hard

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