chapter 50 the fridge

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*blitzo pov*
it was an average day in the office moxie being boring,millie just sitting down and
(y/n) just smoking

moxie " sir"

blitzo" what"

moxie " you need to stop spending most of our money on bloody plush hores"

blitzo" sorry that's impossible "

moxie grumbled something and walked out


*moxie pov *

I open the fridge to grab my lunch but there is a dead rabbit under it

moxie " WHAT THE FUCK "

millie ran into the room with a butcher knife

millie " what is it?"

moxie " THIS"

I hold up the dead rabbit

(y/n)" mox put my luntch down "

I look at him with a death gear

moxie " WHY"

(y/n)" mox what am I "

millie " a snake "

(y/n)" yes thats why there is a rabbit in the fridge "

I put the rabbit back in and closed the door

moxie " sorry"

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