
8.7K 94 141

Author: lone-lilly
Published: 2010
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Meredith Grey was horny.

No, that wasn't right. Horny didn't even begin to describe it. Couldn't. She was burning, restless. Her body felt swollen and heavy when she moved; twitchy and uncomfortable when she was still. It had been all she could do to make it through her day, her mind distracted from even the simplest tasks as she counted down the hours until she could go home.

To Derek.

She knew she was ovulating and that could at least partially explain the mounting thrum inside her body but she also knew it was so much more than that.

She wanted her husband in the worst sort of way and it had more to do than just mere biology. He was alive, his body getting stronger with every day they put between them and the massacre that almost took him away from her. And they were trying. Not in the capital T sort of way where they scheduled sex on their Blackberrys and she peed on a stick every morning, but they were trying nonetheless. And she couldn't get enough of him. Didn't want to.

She wanted everything he could give her. Wanted him inside her. Wanted to be a part of him in a way that nobody could destroy. The fact that today they could also create another child, well. It only made her hotter for him.

All things considered, it had probably been a good thing there'd been no surgeries with her name on them, but spending the entire day in the gallery watching Derek operate successfully on a supposedly inoperable tumor had been its own unique torture. His confidence and skill in the operating room was rivaled only by his prowess in the bedroom and she had intimate knowledge of both. She knew what he was capable of, knew what that sort of single-minded intensity of his could do when unleashed.

And it was just as she was fantasizing about him taking her over that very operating table while he extracted the last of the winding tentacles from his patient's brain that he happened to glance up, finding her instantly with his dark, piercing gaze.

Oh, she loved that look. It was intense. It reminded her of the way he watched her when she took him in her mouth, his breath catching deep in his throat as he played with the loose strands of her hair that curtained out over her shoulders. It was more than just an I've-seen-you-naked look. It made her want to beg for it.

But then his attention had returned to the patient in front of him and she'd been left alone with her itchy, hot skin and her wicked, dirty fantasies to keep her company the rest of the day. She had sworn to herself she'd make sure he knew just how much she wanted him the very first chance she got, certain they'd barely make it inside the door of their house before they were all over each other. Assuming she kept her hands to herself on the car ride home and she was making no promises.

Those lofty goals, however, had amounted to nothing more than just that. Bailey had found her in the gallery an hour before her shift was over and demanded she cover the Pit until one of the other residents could take over. Something told her Bailey wouldn't give a damn that her biological clock had taken up ticking so loudly her body throbbed with it. No was not an option.

So, she had begrudgingly retreated to the emergency room, texting Derek to let him know she'd be home later than planned. And then she had proceeded to make sure every intern in the Pit knew to stay out of her way. Hell hath no fury like a woman denied.

A sentiment someone should have passed onto her husband.

Because Derek? Derek was reading when she finally made it home and he barely even glanced in her direction when she told him she was going to take a shower. She lingered in the doorway for a moment hoping he'd catch on before turning on her heels with a sigh when he never looked back up.

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