Don't Get Caught

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Author: Shalia
Published: 2007
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Meredith walked along the halls of the surgical floor marveling at its quietness. Usually the floor was busy with people running everywhere and emergency surgeries even at this time of the night. But tonight everything seemed calm. Maybe people had decided to be careful for once and not drive recklessly or do stupid things like hanging Christmas lights while mounting on an unstable stool.

She walked toward the gallery of one of the OR where she had seen Derek last. He had been filling some paperwork in there when she was paged by one of the nurses. As she opened the door of the gallery she saw him in one of the chairs, tiredly noting a few things on a chart. She closed the door behind her and he smiled at her when he heard the sound and saw her.

"Hey" Meredith smiled "Still there?"

"Yeah." He sighed rubbing his hand over his eyes "I had some charts to fill. And it's quiet here". He smiled at her, maybe spending some quiet time with Mer was gonna help him not die of boredom.

"Yeah It is." she answered "Plus if you get that done now you won't have to stay after your shift to do it."

He nodded before putting the charts in his hands on one of the chairs beside him. He looked tired, his eyes and face slightly less happy than usual. "I'll even have time to do some paperwork in advance if everything stay the way it has been for the last two days." He said wryly.

She laughed lightly as she got closer to him, taking the hand he extended toward her, before siting on his lap, facing him. He looked surprised for a second before wrapping both of his arms around her. He smiled at her.

"Are you actually wishing people would have accidents so could be less bored?" She asked teasingly.

"No...No..." He stuttered slightly before sticking his tongue out at her her like a child. "But...C'mon on. We're nearing Christmas. It's supposed to be one of the busiest time of the year for me and I have almost nothing to do."

She laughed at the frown he made, her head coming to rest against his shoulder. A few seconds later, she leaned back to look at him in the eyes. Laughing she said "You know I'm the intern. I'm supposed to be the surgery hungry one who wishes people would get in trouble so she can scrub in. Not you."

He scowled at her, wanting to erase the satisfied smirk on her face because she knew she was right.

"Poor baby" she murmured laughingly at him before kissing him. As an idea of how to help him relax started to form in her brain, she moved from his lips to his jaw, scattering kisses along the way until she reached his neck. Derek looked down into her eyes as she turned her face toward him once again.

"Mer...What..." The words died n his lips as she sucked on his neck, just under his ear. He tried to keep a clear head but the feelings of her lips on his neck were making it difficult for him to think. As she broke away from his neck to kiss his jaw again, he drew away from her slightly. Breathing heavily, he tried to use his voice. "Maybe...Maybe we shouldn't..." He groaned as she hit a particularly sensitive spot on his neck "do this here..."

"Why?..." She murmured sensually "The OR room is closed. There's no one in the gallery and nothing to do..."

"We could get caught." He sighed, already loosing the will to stop as he felt her hands run up and won his chest over his scrubs, her lips barely brushing against his ear as she spoke.

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