In Front of the Fireplace

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Author: IchooseMcdreamy08
Published: 2007
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

It was dark out side..the air was laced in a winter chill. There was a fresh blanket of snow covering the ground as she settled back by the fireplace..the flames crackling. She was waiting for Derek..waiting for him to come home..waiting for the things that he would do to her.

Their relationship had been rocky lately..but now they were back on track..and they couldn't take their hands off of each other. She layed back on the rug..propped up by the pillows..and began exploring her self. She lifted the lace of her nightgown..removing it from her body.

Her hands found her center as she rubbed her clit..thrusting her finger inside..she started moaning as she fantasized about Derek..and the things that she wanted him to do to her.

She heard his keys in the front door..she felt the gusts of cold winter the door opened..she continued to pleasure herself as soft little moans escaped her lips.

"Meredith" He called out hearing a noise coming from the living room..he entered the room to find his beautiful girlfriend sprawled out on the floor..her swollen pussy in full view..he felt his cock twitch in anticipation.."Starting without me I see"

"Its never too late for you to join me..and I'm just getting warmed up" She replied as Derek got down on the floor. She removed her finger, running it along his lips as he licked her sweet juice from her glistening fingers

"You taste soo good let me" He stated as he spread her legs with his hands. He lowered his mouth to her sweet pussy..blowing softly as she squirmed beneath him. He stroked her wet slit with his tongue..enjoying her juices..he thrust his tongue deep within her pussy..felling her walls softly contracted around his tongue. He removed his tongue and replaced it with two of his fingers..curling them up and stroking her G-spot as he massaged her clit with his tongue.

"Derek...oh god..I'm coming Derek" And just like that she was gone..her orgasm washing over her..her eyes rolled back in her she gave in to the feeling..derek watching her beautiful features flushed from her release.

"You're so beautiful when you you no that?"

"Mmmm.." Meredith replied as she reached up to unbutton Derek's shirt

"I've been thinking about this all day..about you..about us..about being deep inside of you filling you with my seed..trying for the baby that we have been talking about"



"Your wearing to many clothes"

He finished taking of his shirt as he unbutton his pants..sliding them off along with his boxers..His hard cock was standing at full attention..and he stroked it gently..he placed a few of the pillows under Meredith's he could hit the right spot as he was fucking her senseless. He lowered himself between her legs as she wrapped her legs tightly around him. He kissed her hungrily his tongue ravishing hers..she could feel his cock poking her entrance so she spread her legs inviting him inside.

He thrusted in one quick motion..going as deep as he could before pulling out and plunging inside.

"Ahh..ohhh..god Derek" The angle that he was thrusting provided Meredith with ultimate she squeezed her vaginal muscles around him. He slammed into her..taking her breath away. "Derek..oh god..take me Derek" she screamed as he lifted her leg over his shoulder..sliding in as deep as possible as she exploded around him..he let his seed go deep they both came down of their peak..both satisfied..spent..and ready for more...

"Lets go upstairs" Meredith whispered seductively in his ear..biting softly at his earlobe.

"But I like it down front of the fire...its nice and warm" Derek replied kissing her deeply

"Derek..I can promise you that it will be nice and warm upstairs...incredibly nice and warm...inside of me" She said as she grabbed his hand..helping him stand up.

She ascended the Derek's eyes were glued on her nice firm ass...his fingers caressing it on the way up. They made it to the Derek shut the door...pinning Meredith up against it. He kissed her deeply..Massaging her tongue with his...his hips grinding into hers. She reached down and began to stroke his hard, throbbing he bent down to take her breast into his mouth.

"Ahh..fuck Mer" Derek groaned as she dropped to her knees...taking his stiff cock into her inviting mouth. She took him deep as she could...licking up and down the sides of his shaft..taking the head of his cock into his mouth. He felt his orgasm he thrust up into her mouth. "Oh..god Mer...I'm coming"

"Let go Derek..I want you to cum in my mouth...I want to taste your hot cum" She took him even deeper in her mouth...and felt his cock start to he exploded into her mouth. She locked eyes with him as she licked him clean..swallowing every last drop.

"Get up" Derek grunted as he led Meredith over to the bed..laying her back..and kneeling in between her legs "I want to taste your sweet juices..I want to make you cum over and over again" He spread her legs as wide as they would go...using his fingers to separate the lips of her vagina...he thrusted his tongue inside..lapping up all of the juice that was already present. She moaned..rubbing her fingers through his hair...writhing beneath him. He continued the assult on her..using his tongue..her fingers found her clit..but he pushed them away. "Close your eyes baby...I want you to enjoy this" He took her clit into his mouth..massaging the sensitive nub with his her thrusted three of his fingers into her..he pulled them out and licked her juices from them.

She felt the bed shift..and felt Derek's lips against hers. She could taste herself on his lips..and opened her mouth wider for the kiss. "God Derek...I want you to fuck me!" she said as He rubbed his cock up and down her pussy..teasing her...

"Please Derek..I want it Now!" She begged as he continued to tease her

"What do you want?" He asked looking into her eyes "This?" He thrusted into her sliding right in

"God you are so wet..already..I love how wet I'm making feels perfectly around my cock" He said huskily into her ear

"Ohh..Derek.." She moaned as he pulled out of her..only to thrust deeply once again "I love how your thick cock feels inside of me" She rolled them over so that she was on top..she lowered herself painfully slow..down his thick cock..squeezing him every inch of the way. She began to ride him...her breasts bouncing over his face as she increased her speed. He took her breast into his she moaned out in pleasure.

Meredith layed down..completely covering Derek's body as she continued to rock..He thrusted up into her..and she felt her orgasm building from deep within. "Oh..fuck..Derek" He flipped them over..pulling out then thrusting deep with in. "Oh god..harder Derek" He slammed into her "God Mer...I'm so deep.." He continued to thrust as she ran her hands over his ass..tapping him lightly when she wanted it faster or deeper. She wrapped her legs tightly around him as she started to come. Convulsing around his throbbing cock..he let his seed spill into her as she came down off her high..their juices mixing..and running down her leg..

"That was..."

"Fucking amazing" Derek finished as they drifted off to sleep.

Another one shot I feel like you need a happy break from the fic I'm currently posting 😅

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