Being Bad

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Author: lovemcdreamy29
Published: 2009
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Meredith let out a sigh as she walked down the hallway towards the supply closet. It had been a long day. She had been assigned to Bailey that morning and hadn't seen Derek all day. Dr. Bailey and she had completed back to back surgeries that morning after a major car accident on the freeway near Seattle Grace. Meredith walked into the supply closet to grab an IV kit for one of her patients. As she scanned a low shelf for the kit, she heard the door open behind her.

"Is that you, Dr. Grey?" she heard a familiar voice say behind her.

Meredith looked to the side of her leg and smiled up at Derek. "Hi"

"Hey, I thought you I saw you walk in here." Derek smiled at her.

Meredith straightened up and continued smiling at him. "I haven't seen you all day."

"Quite a morning, isn't it? 14 injured, 2 dead. I've been in surgery all morning." Derek said as he moved closer to her. "I requested you, but you were already on Bailey's service."

"Yes, we had back to back surgeries. It was a huge accident. Lots of blood...and blood."

"Will you be home tonight?" Derek asked as he moved even closer to her, their lips almost touching.

"Yes, I get off at 8." Meredith smiled at him. "When are you off?"


"Are you going home or out for drinks with Mark?"

"Home. I have to write a recommendation letter for Bailey for her peds fellowship."

"You're writing a letter for Bailey?" Meredith asked with a smile.

"Yes...are you making fun of me?" Derek said with his own smile.

"No, I think it's sweet." Meredith said, looking into Derek's eyes.

"Sure. You know we're in a supply closet." Derek said, looking around as he ran his hands over her body, stopping them at her hips.

"Yes, we are. I'm just getting an IV kit."

"I remember when we used these closets for other things than supplies." Derek smirked

"It's been a while..." Meredith smiled back at him.

"Yes, it has" Derek said as he captured her lips with his in a hot kiss, pushing her backwards against the wall, making her drop the IV kit in her hands.

"Derek" Meredith moaned into his mouth as he continued to kiss down her neck to the spot that drove her insane. She sighed as he continued his assault.

"Derek... we... I have... patients," she said breathlessly, trying very hard not to give in. However, all it took was Derek biting the secret spot on her neck that he knew would drive her insane and she was ready to go. She helped Derek remove his lab coat as he continued the running kisses down her neck. He then moved up her neck back to her lips, before thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She pushed him back against the wall as she began to kick off shoes and Derek began untying her pants. He quickly pushed them down as she began working on the tie to his scrub pants. Soon his scrub pants and boxers were pooled around his ankles. As they continued to kiss, their lips only parting as their scrub tops were removed by each other. Derek began kissing Meredith again He practically tore off her scrub top, taking a moment to appreciate the sight of her breasts spilling out of her bra.

They began kissing again as Derek pulled her body closer to his. He began to kiss her again, with even more passion. Meredith moaned into his mouth as her fingers weaved into his hair. Derek smiled against her lips as she began to fondle him, massaging him roughly. Derek moaned as he began to lightly suck on her neck. Meredith moaned once again as she whispered "I won't last very long if you keep that up."

Derek placed one last kiss on her neck and pulled away. He smiled at her before he grabbed her right thigh and placed it on his waist. Meredith grabbed onto his shoulders and looked into his eyes. Derek smiled at her again before entering her in one quick motion. Meredith's eyes opened wide as he did so. Derek quickly captured her lips in a kiss as he silenced her moans and continued to pound into her. Meredith pulled away from his lips and smiled at him as she wrapped her other leg around his waist. Derek continued to move in and out of her faster and faster as he supported her weight with his arms. She placed her arms around his neck as she squeezed her muscles around him tightly and he began to shake. Derek fought to regain control as he kissed her hard again and began to massage one of her breasts through her bra. Meredith's orgasm began as Derek thrust into her one more time. She started to shake even more as the orgasm hit her and Derek soon followed with his own. He braced her in his arms as they both rode out their orgasms and he thrust into her one final time. Meredith began riding a second wave of pleasure as it hit her.

She closed her eyes and rested her head on Derek's shoulders as he gently lowered one of her legs down, holding her against him. Meredith's leg shook as she tried to balance herself. "Wow" she breathed.

"Yeah" Derek said, smiling before pulling out of her and helping her regain her balance on both legs. "I suppose we should get dressed."

"Yes, it would probably be best" Meredith said, giggling.

"Now don't go giggling or we may have to go another round." Derek said, winking at her as he put his lab coat back on.

"I don't have time, Dr. Shepherd." Meredith winked back, retying her scrub pants.

"If you start the Dr. Shepherd thing, we are definitely going another round." Derek said as he grabbed Meredith, pulling her close to him again.

"Derek!" Meredith squealed. "I don't have time. I have to get this IV kit to my patient."

"Well then, after you Dr. Grey" Derek said, opening the door.

"Why thank you, Dr. Shepherd" Meredith said, giggling again.

Derek leaned in close and whispered into her ear. "You're going to pay for that later, Dr. Grey."

Meredith turned to smile at him. "I look forward to it."

Derek gave her a quick kiss. "I'll see you at home."

"Ok" Meredith gave him another quick kiss. "Have a good day, Dr. Shepherd."

"You too, Dr. Grey" Derek smiled as he walked down the hallway.

I may post another one shot later...
After I watch Grey's Anatomy
Still haven't watched the
recent episode 😬

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