Random Sex Acts

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Author: Mrs. McDreamy
Published: 2007
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Derek moves his hands down to Meredith's waist before pushing her back up against the counter. She gasps in surprise at his sudden movement. Derek looks down at her with darkened eyes. He moves his hands from her waist and runs his fingers through her hair, pulling her head back as he does so and leaving her neck vulnerable to his preying mouth.

Derek's mouth travels down the column of Meredith's neck, alternating between light nips and soft kisses, as he runs his hand up Meredith's long leg. By the time he reaches her thigh, he can feel the heat radiating from her already dripping pussy.

Derek: God, you are dripping.

Derek's low, husky voice vibrating against her skin sends chills down her spine. Meredith can't take it anymore. If Derek can take control, damn it, then so can she.

Meredith: Fuck me on the counter, Derek.

Derek pulls back and stares at her for a minute.

Derek: Seriously??

Meredith reaches down and grabs Derek's throbbing cock through his jeans as she leans her body into his.

Meredith: Do I fucking look like I'm joking?

Derek doesn't answer. Instead he slams his lips down on Meredith's as his hands travel up to her hips under her dress. Derek moves his hands around to her ass and lifts her up onto the counter. She gasps as the cold from the countertop comes into contact with her hot ass.

Derek doesn't waste any time as he quickly unbuttons his pants and shoves them down to the floor, along with his boxers, effectively freeing his hard dick. He grabs Meredith's ass and pulls her towards him.

Meredith leans forward and bites down on Derek's lip.

Derek: Ow! What the fuck?

Meredith (in a sultry voice): I want you to fuck me, Derek. I want you to fuck me right now.

Derek responds by grabbing Meredith's hips before slamming into her. She throws her head back and screams from the intense pleasurable pain that is rippling through her body. Derek growls as he pulls almost all the way out before slamming back into her. Meredith screams once again. She can already feel the beginnings of an orgasm.

Derek (growling): How do you like that?

Meredith responds with another scream as Derek slams back into her. God, he is good. His thick cock feels so good inside of her. She digs her heels into his ass as he continues to pump into her relentlessly. He can feel her walls beginning to clench around him as he nears the edge. His legs begins to shake as her walls clench down around him and her body quivers. His cock begins to twitch inside of her as his hot seed begins to fill her up.

Derek groans with the release as he finally feels his undying thirst quenched, for the moment at least. He pulls his cock out of her and rests his forehead against hers. Their hot breath mixes in the space between them before hitting each other in the face.

Meredith runs her hands up and down Derek's back, just the feeling of his defined back muscles under her small hands causes that all too familiar tingling sensation to return between her legs. She leans her head to the side and begins to suck on Derek's ear.

Meredith (in a seductive voice): Take me for a tour, Derek.

Meredith runs her nails over the tender skin of Derek's inner thigh. He shivers under her touch. She looks up at him from her position near his cock.

Meredith (in a seductive voice): What do you want me to do to you?

Derek struggles to find words. Hell, he struggles to breathe. In response, Meredith takes her thumb and runs it over the tip of Derek's steel-hard cock, wiping off the pre-cum as she does so. He moans at her tantalizing touch.

Meredith (in a bit harsher voice): Tell me what you want me to do to you.

Derek pants as he throws himself back on the bed for a moment. He finally raises himself back up on his elbows and looks down at her.

Derek (in a husky voice): I want you to suck my dick. I want to feel your hot mouth and tongue around me. I want to come down your mouth and throat.

Meredith bites down on her bottom lip before nodding at him. She runs her forefinger down his shaft. The sensations cause Derek to groan with need.

Derek: Mer....

Meredith smirks at Derek as she wraps her fingers around the base of his shaft. She moves her hand up and down his length, alternating between tightening and loosening her grasp. Derek pants and thrusts up into her hand as she strokes him.

Derek: God, Mer. I need...mouth...suck...NOW!

Meredith lowers her head and runs her tongue up and down Derek's length, allowing him to feel the momentary heat radiating from her tongue before the air chills the area. Her tongue finally reaches the tip. She presses on the tip of his cock with her tongue slightly, the pressure tormenting Derek.

Derek (groaning): Meeerrrr...

Meredith giggles before placing her mouth around Derek's cock. She begins to move up and down his shaft, sometimes covering her teeth with her lips, other times allowing her teeth to graze against his sensitive flesh.

Derek tangles his fingers into Meredith's hair as he feels himself nearing the edge. He instinctively thrusts his hips up as the pressure begins to build. Meredith starts to hum as she moves and he can no longer hold back.

Derek: Shit..I'm...coming...

Derek explodes into Meredith's mouth and she eagerly drinks down all of his fluids. She runs her tongue over the tip of his penis to clean up any remainder before she makes her way back up him body. She collapses on top of his chest as Derek pants beneath her.

Derek: That....fuck...wow..

Meredith giggles.

Meredith: I know...I'm just that good.

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