Just a Guy and a Girl in the Bar

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Author: Shalia
Published: 2007
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Meredith sat down at the bar, another shot of tequila in front of her. She was alone, back in Seattle to start her internship the next day. Having fled from the party that was held to introduce everyone, she found this place more to her liking. She had been there long enough to learn that the bartender's name was Joe, and that she was feeling a little drunk, and a little depressed. A couple of guys had tried hitting on her, but she brushed them off, intending to head home soon. So when another body filled the space beside her, she said without looking up, "Don't bother, I'm leaving." She tossed her hair over her shoulder, taking another drink.

"Hey, I didn't even say anything yet. I just came over here to order another drink."

Meredith turned her head, and found herself staring into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. Her own eyes widened as she looked at him – damn he looked hot. He was wearing a good looking red shirt and jeans – jeans that were tight in all the right places. His dark hair was unruly, and he looked good enough to eat. Crap, I'm in trouble, was the first thing that crossed her mind. He smiled at her, and she suddenly forgot that she had planned to leave and head home alone.

"Hi – I'm Meredith," she said, smiling back at him.

"Nice to meet you Meredith, I'm Derek. May I buy you a drink?" He nodded at her now empty shot glass.

"Why not?"

Derek nodded at Joe, who poured a Scotch for Derek and another tequila for Meredith. "So what brings you here tonight?" he asked Meredith, leaning his hip against the bar, as he gave her his undivided attention. Her black cocktail dress hugged her tiny frame perfectly, and the long blonde hair that fell to her shoulders almost begged him to run his hands through it.

"I just escaped from a boring cocktail party for my new job tomorrow. What about you?"

"This is my first night in the city, and this seemed like a friendly place. When I saw you, I had to stay and meet you."

"You're pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?"

"That's the kind of guy I am."

"Just a guy in a bar?"

"And you're just a girl in a bar, who should get to know me. To know me is to love me," he said, giving her his best smile, with a tilt of his head. He moved closer to her, his leg brushing against hers.

Meredith looked into his eyes, feeling the pit of her stomach lurching, and a much hotter feeling engulf her inner core. "So if I get to know you, I'll love you?" she teased him back, suddenly very warm, feeling the hard length of his thigh pressing against hers. He reached out to touch her hand, and she felt the spike of her desire immediately rush through her entire body. The heat between them seemed to draw them closer. His eyes darkened as he continued to hold her gaze. "Maybe we should get out of here," she finally managed to say, her breath catching.

"Yes, maybe we should," he replied, finishing the last of his drink. He tossed some money on the bar to pay for the drinks and helped her down from the bar stool. They walked towards the door, his hand on the small of her back. Joe watched them leave, shaking his head.

Once they were outside, Derek was unable to wait any longer, and gently moved Meredith towards the wall of the building. Meredith looked up at him as he leaned in to kiss her, and run his hands down her body. Unconsciously, she kissed him back, letting her mouth open to his. When they finally came up for air, her chest was heaving and her breath came in ragged gasps. Derek felt her body quivering under his hands, and his own desire was raging. His hands cupped her ass, bringing her tight against his hard body.

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