Tell Me Your Fantasies •2•

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Author: Mrs. McDreamy
Published: 2007
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Meredith runs the cloth over the smooth mahogany bar. Joe had an emergency with the twins and she offered to close the bar for him so he could go home. It was nice, being in here by herself. A place full of so many memories.

She hums to the music that filters through the bar and sways her hips as she cleans. The bell above the door jingles and she jerks her head up. She thought that she locked the door. Relief floods through her body when her eyes clash with a sea of blue. She smiles warmly at him. He tilts his head to the side and smiles his McDreamy smile.

Derek: Did I scare you?

Meredith: What? Me? No. Of course not. Why would I be scared?

Derek chuckles as he turns to lock the door before walking towards her.

Meredith: How did you know I was here?

Derek smirks as he takes a seat on the very barstool he sat that fateful night just over one year ago.

Derek: I have my ways.

Derek walks around the bar and leans back against it as he watches her. Just watching the way her hips are moving is making him hard. His cock begins to stir even more as her intoxicating scent fills the air.

Meredith arches her eyebrow as she looks at him.

Meredith: Do you now?

Derek: You know, I'm good for more than just sex.

Meredith's mouth falls slightly agape as she stares at him. She considers him for a minute before walking to stand in front of him. She runs her hand down his broad chest before looking up into his eyes.

Meredith: Do you think that is what this is?

Derek sighs in frustration as he runs his fingers through his hair.

Derek: S and M....that's what you said. You are the one who said it was about sex.

Meredith stares up at him. He is right. If they continue this way she will be using him for sex. But it's not about the sex. It's about being closer to him.

Meredith: It's not about the sex.

Derek: Then what is it about?

Meredith: It's's about being with you but not having to worry about being hurt...because you can't hurt me if we aren't in a love you, damn it...and I can't...

Meredith's words are cut off by Derek's lips crashing down on hers. His tongue demands entrance into her mouth as his kiss. Meredith moans into his mouth as her hand trails down his chest. Derek begins to work on her belt. He pulls back, leaving her feeling cold.

Derek (husky): Get on the bar.

Meredith looks at him, shock on her face.

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