Tell Me Your Fantasies •1•

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Author: Mrs. McDreamy
Published: 2007
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Meredith grips Derek's hand as they wind their way through the thick crowd. She can't believe she got tickets. She can't believe that she talked him into coming. They walk right up to the stage. She can't believe that they are in the pit. That are in the middle of the action. She could reach out and touch Anthony. Her Anthony. She doesn't remember when it started, her love of the Chili Peppers. She just knows that she does love them. They are funky, and well, Meredith likes funk.

Derek is close behind her, protecting her from the crowd. His hands are placed on her hips. She bites down on her bottom lip. The thrill of the concert mixed with his hot breath on her neck and his thumbs circling her hip bones causes Meredith's temperature to rise very quickly. She places her hands on the stage as she waits impatiently. She feels Derek lean in even closer as he whispers into her ear.

Derek: Excited?

Meredith turns slightly and smiles brightly at him. Derek leans in and places a quick kiss on her lips before she can speak.

Meredith: Love you.

Derek chuckles.

Derek: I know you do.

Meredith gasps and reaches up to hit him. Just as she does the music sounds and the band begins to come onto the stage. Meredith jumps a little and claps her hands excitedly as she watches Anthony come and stand right in front of her. As she does so, her ass brushes up against Derek's cock, causing him to gasp in surprise.

The band starts with one of the more popular songs, "Dani California". Derek can't stop smiling as the tiny woman standing in front of him belts out every song. She is the happiest he has seen her in a while.

The song stops and the band begins the next song. As soon as the first chord is struck Meredith stills. The song is "Don't Forget Me." Derek leans in next to her ear.

Derek: Something wrong?

Meredith turns her face towards Derek and he immediately notices her darkened eyes and flushed appearance. He arches his eyebrow.

Derek: Seriously?

Meredith smirks.

Meredith: I've always wanted to have sex to this song.

Derek's mouth falls agape. He stares at her. She is wearing a short jean skirt. It is possible. He glances around and notices that most of the people that are surrounding them are young adults and look either high as a kite or drunk as a dog. He turns back to his horny girlfriend and smirks.

Derek (huskily): Brace yourself against the stage.

Meredith quickly does as instructed. Just the thought of sex has her dripping wet. She can feel Derek's hands move from her hip bones and up the front of her skirt. He strokes her clit as she leans back into him.

Derek: Damn. You're wet.

Meredith (through gritted teeth): Fuck me, Derek.

Derek doesn't need anymore invitation. He hikes up the back of her skirt, using his body to hide her bare ass from the crowd. He quickly frees his throbbing cock as he leans in and nibbles on her ear.

Derek: How do you want it baby??

Meredith (gasping with need): HARD! Fuck me hard!

Derek rubs the tips of his throbbing penis against her opening. She leans further down, her head tilted back as she begs for it. She begs with her body for him to pound into her. She wants to sing. She wants to scream. She wants to be fucked.

Suddenly, Derek slams into her. She screams in a mixture of surprise and ultimate pleasure as the song reaches its chorus. Derek's cock fills her completely. He leans forward and grabs her hair, pulling her back. With her standing up straight, her walls close in tighter around his throbbing cock. Meredith gasps at the new wave of sensations traveling from her hair follicles down to her toes. Oh God, the way he makes her entire body throb.

Derek (growling): Do you like that?

Meredith (whimpering from the overwhelming sensations): Yes...oh God...Der...fuck me...pound your hard cock into me...I need it...

Meredith locks eyes with Anthony and notices the smirk on his face.

He knows. He knows that I am getting fucked. Good. Let him know. Let him watch me get fucked hard.

Voyeurism just turns her on even more.

Meredith keeps her eyes locked on Anthony's as Derek slams into her again, hard enough to bring her up off of the floor. She screams out on pleasure and notices that Anthony seems to be getting a hard on himself.

She feels Derek's hot breath against her neck as he growls once again while thrusting into her harder than ever.

Meredith: Oh GOD! FUCK!

Derek (breathless): You like it like that?

Meredith: OH GOD, YES!!!

Derek picks up the pace, pumping his large cock into her harder and faster as the song reaches its peak. Meredith feels her slick walls beginning to tighten around his thick cock.

Meredith: FUCK! FUCK!

Derek: Come for me, Mer.

Meredith: I'm...OH GOD...I'M COMING!!

Meredith's body quivers as the sweat rolls down her face and her orgasm reaches its peak. She reaches her arms back and tangles her fingers in Derek's hair, causing him to yell out in pain, but also pushing him over the edge. He spills his hot, milky seed into her still pulsating pussy.

Meredith leans her body back against Derek as he quickly places his large cock back in his pants and zips them. He looks around and notices a few people looking at them. He just smirks before bending his mouth near to Meredith's.

Derek (in a sated, husky voice): Enjoying the concert?

Meredith sighs as Derek wraps his arms around her and she leans further back into him.

Meredith: Best one I've ever been to.

Derek chuckles as they enjoy the rest of the concert, Anthony looking at them often throughout the show. Neither one aware of the fact that Anthony is already writing his next song about the couple who had the hottest sex he has ever seen in the front row at a concert.

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