Phone Sex

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Author: AngelEyes
Published: 2008
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Derek rolled over and punched the pillow again, with a groan of frustration, then flopped onto his back. Rain pounded down on the roof, and wind rattled the sides of his trailer. It should be a good night to sleep, but it was useless, he couldn't sleep. It was 2:42 a.m., and he was wide awake – he should be bone tired, after back to back surgeries. But he missed Meredith, missed her body tucked in against him, her hair tickling his nose. Hell, he even missed her snoring.

They were in that damn cycle of their on-again, off-again relationship, and this week they were off. And she was being adamant about sleeping in her own bed - alone. He tried to understand her point of view, but it was difficult. He wanted to share a bed with her, every night, no matter what. Even if they argued, he wanted to be with her. He wanted to be wrapped around her, tangled up in her, sleeping with her. And having wildly enthusiastic sex with her...

He threw off the sheets, and padded out to the tiny kitchen. He looked into the fridge, and saw nothing that appealed to him, so he grabbed a glass and poured a shot of Scotch. Maybe alcohol would help. He stared out the window, remembering some of the nights when he and Meredith had started their relationship. Long nights of hot, mind blowing sex, leaving them exhausted, falling asleep not long before the alarm jolted them awake. Leaving them so tired the next day, he often needed eye drops to clear the bloodshot appearance away, catching Meredith yawning as she presented during rounds. That was what he needed right now, to be sexually sated, but Meredith wasn't here.

Rubbing his jaw, he wandered back to bed, hitching up the faded pyjama bottoms as he went. They were so thin in spots they were almost transparent, but they were comfy and he was alone, so what did it matter? He picked up his cell phone and dropped onto the bed, sipping the drink and staring at the phone.

He should call Meredith, see if she was okay – she'd been having trouble with her Dad lately, arguing and bickering. But no, she hated it when he hovered. He raked a hand through his unruly hair in annoyance. Being a male in the 21st century was damn difficult, he mused. Don't hover, don't worry, don't be too demanding – sleep alone...

But he put his hand on the phone anyway, and it vibrated under his fingertips. He flipped it open quickly, a grin on his lips. "Hey, sweetheart..."

"You're awake..."

"I can't sleep without you – you've ruined me," he teased her, leaning back, his head cushioned against his free arm.

"I can't sleep either," she confessed, her voice warm as honey.

"You should be here then..."


"Honey, admit it, you sleep better when we're together, my arm around you.."

Meredith sighed in his ear. "Or we don't sleep at all – we have sex..."

"Mind blowing, fantastic, screaming sex, baby," he growled, his cock starting to pay attention. "Admit it."

She laughed seductively. "All right, I admit it...but it's almost 3:00 a.m., and I'm not driving out there now..when we have to be up in two hours..."

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