Merry Christmas

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Author: nacha_e
Published: 2007
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Christmas...mmm what do i love about christmas?
Honestly i have no idea. In all this years everything they say about christmas being a family holiday, time to spend with the ones you love. All that is crap, at least for me because the ones i love are suppose to be my family: my mom, dad but all this 18 years i've barely seen them specially her. This time of the year is really busy for surgeons, she could have the night off.

Luckily I've been spending the holidays with my neighbors the Shepherds, Mr Shepherd is my mom's fellow surgeon, he and Mrs Shepherd have been invinting us for 5 years now, they're really nice with their 5 children makes the holiday happier and not so lonely for me.
Plus one of their daughters is my best friend: Ana. She and I we have been together since me and my mom we moved to Boston after her divorce. Thanks to her i made it through high school. She's a great person, also so funny always making me go after some guy when i was bitchy so i could get laid but i know i can't I want my first time to be special, i don't ask for candles, moonlight and rose petals, but with someone who cares about me and i love. Which hasn't hapened yet...some day.
Somehow i changed the subject: Christmas. Well that's my story, tonight I'm going to dinner with my Shepherds and is going to be more special for them because his only son is coming over it's been 2 christmas since he hasn't been able to come. They understand him though. He starting his medical career, he is a surgical intern.
And it's not only going to be special for them but also for me. I've been in love with him since the first time i met him, that's why i think i haven't had a lasting relationship, because when i see him everything fades away, i drowned in his eyes, his smile.

"Meredith! Meredith for Christ sake!" Ellis yelled

"Ah..No need to yell!" Meredith snapped

"I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes, what is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine"

"Ok, I'm leaving now to the hospital, you know i'm oncall tonight.."

"As always" Meredith muttered

"Meredith stop thinking about yourself for one minute" Ellis said making Meredith roll her eyes

"Are you ready to go? I left your present at the Shepherds because i won't be home till tomorrow"

"Fine, bye" Meredith turned around and headed to dinner and left Ellis alone.

Stop thinking about myself, seriously! seriously! What the hell is wrong with her, i think she's not even human. Ok Meredith relax, breathe...

She got to his neighbors' house in a couple of minutes, just in time. It was freezing outside, she hoped they wouldn't take so long to open the door. She knocked at the door and in no time Ana opened it.


"Ana! Hi!" Ana hugged Meredith and let her in

"So..did you already got laid? Because i read this article in Cosmo..."

"Seriously Ana?" Meredith laughed, she didn't know how she became friends with her.

"You think i'm kidding?" Ana joked

"I hope so"

"But Jake is've been with him for two months. Poor Jake he must have blue balls"

"Yeah he is. Where is everyone?" Meredith tried to change the subject, Jake was a nice guy...but he wasn't special, he wasn't Derek.

"In the living room"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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