The Breeze Of An Autumn Night

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Author: turpsyturvy
Published: 2008
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

The autumn night air was cool and crisp. They felt the chill as they disrobed each other. There was only the sound of slightly rustling clothes in the moonlit woods. Though both near thirty, they felt like high school kids. A mixture of nervousness and curious exploration overtook their brains. She slipped his sweatshirt off his head, taking her time to rub his sides and his hard nipples as she removed the garment. She unbuttoned her sweater and let it fall to the ground beside the sleeping bag. Just as smoothly and effortlessly, she removed her bra and stood before him. Her nipples were rock hard. She reached in her waistband and slid her jeans and panties off. The chill and the rush of this moment made her shake visibly. She could see his breath catch quickly at her full exposure. The moon lit her up perfectly. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down, leaving everything in a pool on the other side of the sleeping bag. She let her eyes wander down to his hardness.

He took a step towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She responded by putting her arms around his neck and pulling him close. The warmth of their bodies contrasted the night air, and filled them with desire. He put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her to her knees. She went willingly, taking the opportunity to see his thick, erect cock at eye-level view. She rubbed him against her lips, sliding down to his balls and running a warm tongue over the heavy ball. She saw his balls contracting and rising as his erection grew more stiff. The cool air was getting to them, and she wanted to feel his warm body against hers. She took his cock as deep in her mouth as she could, almost gagging, and left a slick trail of saliva on him to lubricate him for later action. She reached up and put her hands on his shoulders and pulled him down toward her and the warm sleeping bag. He opened it and slid in on his back, pulling the unzipped side open to invite her in. With little room to maneuver, she slipped in on top of him. He zipped up the side and rested his head on the built in pillow.

The cool outside air moved in a breeze, reminding them of all the things they were escaping from together in the sleeping bag. She lay on top of him, his stiffness trapped against her belly. She brought her head down to his chest and listened to his heart beating...steady...but more a calm before a storm. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her close, inhaling the scent of her hair. She rested her arms at his sides, her fingers lightly scratching his shoulders. She loved this feeling, and knew this was where she would lay to sleep tonight, a thought that brought her peace and comfort. She could sleep now if not for the desire that had yet to be satisfied. Both wanted to begin their lovemaking session, but neither could bring themselves to break this embrace. He finally pulled her up to him and let their lips meet. They kissed rarely, but this moment was perfect. His lips and mouth tasted sweet, and he pulled at her tongue with his lips. He broke off the kiss to her mouth, but continued it down her neck, and up to her ear. Her desire returned immediately, and she returned the same treatment to his neck and shoulder.

She shifted off of his stomach to allow his cock to be freed. The easier pace and minutes of being of trapped caused his cock to shrink back down. His half stiff cock dropped down between his legs as she took her position back on him. He ran his hands across her shoulders and back, taking long sweeping strokes, and following it up with light scratches across her back. She felt the urge to just melt into him, but she wanted to continue these pleasurable feelings. She dropped her head to his nipple and flicked her tongue across it. It rose almost instantly and she teased it the same way she liked her own sucked. A few minutes of this brought her desire to her own nipples, and she slid up him and brought a nipple into his hot mouth. He sucked not at her nipple, but at the entire firm tit. He sucked in as much as he could and let it slide out to the hard nipple; covering his teeth with his lips, he bit down on the nipple and pulled off hard. She gave a loud yelp, and looked at him with the desire he wanted to see, and then buried the tit back in his mouth. His fingertips lightly grazed across her ass in circles, going faster and faster until he switched to fingernails, more circling and teasing. When she slammed her other tit in his mouth, he responded to her aggressiveness by raking his fingernails across her ass, and then retracing the same path with light fingertips. The change-up in sensations was driving her wild. She felt his cock rising between her legs, and she aided its swelling by rubbing her wet slit against it. The warm, wet sensation made him hard as a rock. She used the base of his hard dick to stimulate her clit. The rhythm was steady but not overwhelming. Her arousal was building, and its product was dripping out of her and dripping on his cock.

He pulled her down so that their lips could meet. There were no tongues this time, only their soft lips nibbling at each other. As they kissed, he let the head of his cock rest against her wet opening. He wasn't pushing, and it didn't seem like she was either, but somehow the head eased into her. She didn't clamp on him, or try to impale herself; she just let it happen on its own time. Totally relaxed, he slid in an inch at a time. Her tight cunt allowed him in easily, one thick inch after another, until she felt their groins meet. For the first time she clinched her internal muscles and found herself so full she could barely squeeze him. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight. Pulling her closer to him slid his cock deep into her; so far that she wondered if he was right at her cervix. Rather than pound him, she bobbed her pelvis up and down just to appreciate the feeling she had wondered about. Nerve endings deep inside her were being rubbed by the hard ridge of his cock head. Her clit was being rubbed by the base of his cock, giving her a wonderful dual stimulation. Their passion, which had built for months, would not allow for this to be a long session.

He reached down and firmly grabbed a handful of her ass in each hand, taking control of her body. She closed her eyes hard and buried her face in his neck. Her whimpering grew louder with each hard thrust. Determined to cum at the same time as she, he pulled her off of him up to the tip of his cock and continued pounding in its whole length. Her pussy stretched open for him every time, and the feeling of deep stimulation pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm had just begun when his got the best of him. He rolled her over on her back and impaled himself to the hilt. His strong arms squeezed some breath out of her as his moans and groans hit a higher pitch. Though not moving, his cock twitched and jumped inside her. He let out a stifled cry as he unclenched the muscle in him that held his orgasm back. With one last dying moan he unloaded his hot cum inside her. She felt it shoot out against her depths, and then it filled the area between his cock and her. She orgasmed again from the warm load emptying in her.

As their hearts slowed, they once again noticed the cool wind picking up. Everything that caused them angst and worry was still out there...but it wasn't in the sleeping bag with them. For one night they didn't have to think about those things. For one night they were satisfied lovers rather than the people they were during the week grinding out their sometimes unsatisfying existence.

He rolled her back over on top of him. She laid her head down on is chest, felt his heartbeat, felt his withering cock in her, and listened to the autumn wind blow around them.

It was way too funny for me not to share it with you... 😂😂


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