Nightly Massage

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Author: Shalia
Published: 2007
Site: Tapatalk
Board: Greysmcboard from the section "Horny and Porny"

Derek stepped into Meredith's room, tired after a long day at work. He sighed as he shrugged his coat off of his shoulder. The last few days had taken its toll on both Meredith and him. He sat down on the bed and took off his sweater. He threw it toward one of the chair and laid back down on the bed. He couldn't help but think back to everything that had happened in the last few days: the toxic patient, Ellis being lucid, the race for the chief position...

So many things that had taken over their life and had kept them from spending much time together. He sighed as he thought about his actions. He knew how hard it had been on Meredith, he had seen it in her eyes after they got back from Joe's that night and he was annoyed at himself for the way he had acted. He should have been there for her more during this. He needed to make it up to her and help her relax. A smile came over his face as an idea struck him.


Meredith walked inside her house quickly, shrugging off her wet coat. Sometimes leaving in Seattle was really not a good thing. She shook her head from side to side, trying to get some of the water off of her hair. She climbed the stairs up to her room, her bed being her only destination after a long day of dealing with a group of teenagers she had really felt the urge to strangle.

As soon as she had stepped inside her room she stopped. There were candles everywhere, giving the room a soft glow and a sweet aroma of lavender flowing inside it. She looked around until her eyes rested on Derek. He was smiling at her, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, a black button down shirt tucked inside a pair of black jeans.

She smiled confusedly at him as he walked toward her. "What's going on?" She asked.

He smiled amusedly at her confusion "Nothing." He replied "The last few days have been kind of hard on you. I thought I could give you a massage to help you relax."

She smiled at the thought and leaned into him. She kissed him passionately as she unbuttoned his shirt before pushing it off of him. He groaned as he felt her hands start to roam over his body. He took her by surprise as he took her hands in his and slightly pushed her away.

"What...." she asked.

"As much as I would love to keep going like this and believe me I would." He drawled out "Tonight is all about you... So take off you shirt and lay down on the bed." He smiled and watched as she took off her top slowly. Her hair wet and slightly messy, the glow of the candles on her skin and he thought she had never looked more beautiful to him. She was his, after everything they had gone through, they were finally happy and he wanted to make sure that she knew how much that meant to him.

She laid down on the bed, face down, her back to him and her jeans resting low on her slim waist. He walked toward her and took the bottle of oil he had put next to the bed. He took some of it into his hands before straddling her. He heard Meredith let out a small moan as he started to knead the tense muscles of her shoulder and back and he thought back the urge to turn her around and have his way with her. He had other things to do first. He kept on massaging her back, trailing a few kisses on her back every other seconds. After a few minutes, he could tell that her body was completely relaxed, although her breath had started to get more labored. He leaned down against her, his front against her back, his hands trailing along her arms to entangle his hands with hers. He lavished her shoulder with kisses until he felt Meredith squirm under him.

He moved quickly to let her turn over, keeping his hands in hers. She smiled up at him and said "Can I just say that you have very gifted hands?" Her body was more relaxed that it had been in a long time, even if it was starting to fill with a different kind of tension. He laughed as he answered. "Oh yes you can...but this isn't over."

"It isn't?" She answered teasingly.

"Absolutely not."

He leaned down, his lips moving to her neck as he started to kiss her there, alternating between kisses and playful bites. His hands left hers and he started to trail them along her sides, kneading the skin. He moved his lips away from her neck, kissing her deeply. His lips were all over hers, tugging on her bottom lip as he pulled her closer to him. She put her hands on his back, her nails slightly digging into his skin as she felt him move his hands so that he could caress her breasts. She moaned as she felt him start kneading her breasts, his fingers pinching and caressing her nipples. She stiffened as he moved his head toward her chest, taking her right breast into his mouth. She moaned as his tongue flicked over it while his other hand was busy caressing her other breast. He kissed her breasts softly before his mouth headed south. She heard him whisper as he placed kisses over her sides and belly. "Do you know what I love most when we make love? It's the way you let yourself go completely. It's how you dig your nails in my shoulders. Or the way you arch against me when I'm inside you." She moaned as he kept going, his husky voice only intensifying the the sexual fog that was taking over her. "I love how you whisper my name or how loud you scream when you come. You don't know how beautiful you are when I make you come Mer."

He moved quickly to unbutton both of their jeans before tossing them off of the bed. He watched her on the bed, naked, her skin flushed. He quickly kneeled down above her, his lips once again going back to her belly before heading south. He started kissing her tights, his tongue running over them gently before moving to swirl around her lips and clit as she moaned his name again and again, her hips thrusting upward, encouraging him. She was so already so close that it took only a few seconds until her orgasm took over her. He watched as the waves of pleasure washed over her. Before she had the chance to completely come back to earth he eased two fingers inside her, slowly moving them inside her as he moved back up toward her to kiss her, his other hand tangling in her hair. He moved his fingers in and out of her until she came for the second time.

This time he let her come down from her orgasm before smiling down at her. Her eyes were half closed in satisfaction and she smiled at him. "That was..." She didn't finish her sentence as kissed her deeply. She could feel him hard against her and she wanted to make him feel as good as he had made her feel. She began to softly caress him and he moaned from the feel of her fingertips sliding along his length until she heard him moan. She loved knowing she affected him as much as he affected her. She hadn't thought he could get any harder than he already was, but he was proving her wrong as she continued to stroke him. He felt so good in her hands, but the primal urge to feel him inside her became too great and she started moving her hips against his. He looked at her and he saw his own lust and need reflected in her eyes.

"I need to be inside you." He whispered against her lips. "Me too" He heard her whispered reply.

He moved to join them and in one deep thrust he was inside her. They both moaned at the contact. He gripped her hips as he started to thrust into her deeply, sliding in and out of her in a rhythm they both loved. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning deeply as she felt him even more deep inside her. She clenched her muscles tighter around him, over and over again until his moans filled her ears. He yanked slightly on her hair to expose her throat as he buried his face in her neck. She arched against him as his pace quickened, moaning loudly. She moved her arms around him to hold him tighter against her as his thrust became even more powerful and fast. It took him only a few thrust to explode inside of her as he felt her clench him tightly. They came almost at the same time shouting each other's name loudly.

He moved his head to kiss her deeply once more before lowering his head to rest against her collarbone. He felt her erratic breathing start to come back to normal. Breathing deeply in her scent he raised his head and smile as he saw her watching him, a small smile playing on her lips. They moved so that she was resting in his arms, her head resting on his chest as her fingers traced small pattern on his chest.

"You know Derek...You should think of changing jobs and becoming a professional masseur." She said teasingly.

He laughed as he answered. "Thanks but no...My massages are only for you...and the night isn't over. So you should wait before saying that." He smiled before kissing her.

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