Chapter 10

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The week went by extremely slow and Chenle could have sworn a slug was faster.

He is excited to see his boyfriend today for the first time since he left for college. Jisung was already on the way to Chenle's house while Chenle was panicking and trying to find something to wear while he was on a face time call with Donghyuck and YangYang.

"Why are you panicking?" Yangyang questioned through the other side of the call.

"Yeah, it's totally not like you haven't been dating Jisung or anything," Donghyuck sarcastically said and Chenle only rolled his eyes and huffed.

"I haven't seen him in a week! How do you expect me not to panic!" Chenle frantically paced around the room.

He picked out shirts, but they weren't satisfying him as he tossed them on the floor.

Jisung seeing pretty girls and being around them was on Chenle's mind and he was becoming self conscious. He was trying to find something perfect and possibly look even better, even though he thinks that won't happen.

"Look, just calm down. My cousin wouldn't check anyone out when he has a boyfriend waiting for him," Donghyuck tried to rationalize.

Chenle halted, the clothes he tossed in the air falling on his head. He swatted the clothes to the ground.

'He's right. Jisung would never do that... Stupid thoughts.' Chenle thought.

Chenle ended the call with his best friends and finally decided on an outfit, a plain black shirt tucked into his white ripped jeans with a belt strapped around his torso and a black bucket hat.

His phone lit up and noticed the notification from his boyfriend saying he was outside the door.

Chenle shut his phone and checked in the mirror before walking out of his room and opened the door to meet his boyfriend.

"Hi, baby dolphin," Jisung greeted and Chenle's lips formed into a wide smile before he threw himself at the older, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"I missed you," Chenle said against Jisung's neck, the older circling his arms around his waist.

Jisung giggled and kissed the boy's cheek, "I know, I missed you too."

Chenle removed his arms and Jisung grabbed his hand, interlacing their fingers.

"Where too my, gummy bear?" Jisung asked as he stared at his boyfriend, admiring his features.

Jisung was wearing a loose red short sleeved button up, with two buttons undone, the front his shirt tucked into his black jeans.

"Can we get ice cream and then go to the park so I can draw you?" Chenle fiddled with the buckle slot of his pants.

"Whatever my cute baby dolphin wishes," Jisung responded and Chenle cringed, slapping the older's chest lightly.

"Let me grab my art supplies," Chenle spoke before skipping back inside his house to grab his bag filled with his supplies and went back out, locking the front door.

"Ready?" Jisung stuck his hand out for the younger to grab.

"Ready," Chenle held Jisung's hand as they walked to the ice cream parlor.

They ordered their ice cream cones and sat down, talking about how school is going for the older.

So far he knows, that he has an amazing dance teacher named Ten. He really looks up to him and hopes to be as good as him, maybe even better.

"He sounds really cool," Chenle said after licking his ice cream.

"He is and you really should see him dance. I'm not over exaggerating. When you come visit, I'll introduce you to him," Jisung suggested.

Chenle smiled. He loved seeing the older this passionate about his dancing and expressing his admiration for his teacher.

"I would like that," Chenle replied.


Gummy Bear Exception ⟨Chensung⟩ ||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now