Chapter 17

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Chenle had walked through the front door, removing his shoes as he made his way to the kitchen, where his mother was seated at the dinning table with her head rested on the palms of her hands.

"Ma?" Chenle called out while stepping closer towards his mother. "Why aren't you at work?"

His mother smiled sadly while opening her arms for Chenle to hug her and he did, bending down as she was still seated.

"Chenle, your father and I are getting a divorce," his mother shakily spoke and Chenle froze, pulling away from their embrace.

"What? Why? It's my fault isn't it? I'm sorry, Ma. I really am. Maybe if I talk to him, it will be better. It's all my fault. I-"

"Chenle, it certainly wasn't your fault. Your father and I never had the best relationship anyway. All he cared about was work and he wouldn't let me stay home with you. He left, Lele and he won't be coming back anytime soon. I'm not telling you this for you to hate your father, not at all. I hope you still love him despite everything he's done. And I really hope you still love me even though I haven't been there for you. I'm really sorry everything has led to this. You don't deserve that at all," his mother apologized, tears streaming down here face along with Chenle's.

How could she tell her son not to hate his father after everything he has done to him, to their family? She has too much of a heart to go out to that extent and sure she is hurt, but she's going to do what's best for her and especially what's best for her son.

After the things Chenle's mother has told her son about what his father has done, shouldn't he be glad that he left? Yeah, he's glad but a part of him is saddened at the fact that all his life he thought his family was happy together, even if they weren't there for him that much.

His mother left out a few parts and insults his father has called her son, but Chenle can already speculate what he's said just by the little things he's told him.

"Is that how you feel too? Do you think I'm a disgrace for being gay?" Chenle sniffed and his mother shook her head.

"Of course not, dear. I'm still going to love you no matter who or what you love. We're human and we can't control how we feel since we were born this way," Chenle's mother assured him, pulling the boy into another hug and kissing the top of his head.

After a few moments, Chenle pulled his mother up to her feet and held her in his arms again. She had explained to him the reason for her wanting him to break up with Jisung. And although she should've have just explained from the very beginning, he understands her true intentions which were for him not to end up hurt. Nonetheless, she apologized for everything.

"I can get a job and support us, Ma," Chenle told her and the woman only shook her head, pulling away.

"Nonsense, I already have some business partners who are all willing to opening another business. And this time, I want you to be included with me for as it will be a family business," she responded and Chenle tilted his head in confusion.

"Well that's going to take a while to build isn't it?" Chenle protested and his mother only smirked.

"Not when you have connections," she replied with a wink and walked into the kitchen with her son following behind.

What did she mean by connections? And how fast is this business going to be set up? And most importantly, what kind of business is being established?

"It should be ready next Monday," his mother continued while making dinner and Chenle only nodded.

Was he okay with the situation he is currently in right now? No, not really, but if his mother is confident that they'll be alright, then he'll be confident as well.

That night Chenle decided to sleep in his mother's bed so that his mother wasn't alone as he was also still quite uncertain and sad about everything. But being held in his mother's embrace as he's sleeping, he's reassured that everything will be okay.

The next morning, Chenle woke up to an empty bed and he frowned as he wasn't surprised. He dragged himself off of his mother's bed and walked out of her room, the smell of the food's aroma invading his nostrils.

He followed the smell and once he arrived, he saw breakfast plated on the dinning table, his mother walking in to finish pouring drinks into their cups. Chenle couldn't remember the last time he's woken up to a breakfast where his parents, or parent, was still home.

"Good morning, Lele. Come eat my hungry little bear," Chenle's mom gestured for him to take a seat and Chenle gladly did so with a smile.

After he finished his breakfast, he rushed around the house to get dressed in his uniform and freshen up, sliding on his sneakers and making sure he has his back pack ready. It was his first day of senior year and he was nervous, but mainly excited at the same time as this was his last year of high school before he applies to the same college to be with Jisung.

Chenle gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek before leaving his house, unchaining his bicycle from the bike rack. He crossed the street and waited besides Yangyangs house. Once the older stepped out, Chenle threw himself at him.

"Woah, you literally saw me the other day," Yangyang giggled, wrapping his arms around the younger.

Seeing as the younger wasn't going to let go anytime soon, he just lifted the boy up so that his legs wrapped around his waist. Forget about taking the bikes to school today.

The older carried the younger boy all the way to the schools, putting the whiney little dolphin on the ground as Donghyuck made his way to the two.

"What's up bitches!" Donghyuck greeted extra happily this morning, causing Yangyang to lift a brow and Chenle to raise his head.

"All three of us, have some talking to do later," Yangyang informed the two of them and the others nodded before giving each other a hug and making their separate ways into their designated school buildings.


This book is sadly coming to an end soon, maybe in about 5 or so chapters!

Thank you so much for reading and take care of yourself!
Much love...xx

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