Chapter 19

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The week had went by in a flash as it was now Saturday morning. Chenle was all packed and ready to go for his boyfriend to come pick him up and take him to his dorm.

Chenle and his mom had become a bit closer than they ever were before. His mother kept her confidence in doing well financially as she's been speaking with her business partners over the phone, still giving the right amount of respective time to her son.

Chenle found out that her business partners happened to be Yangyang's parents and he was more than happy to find out he'd be working with his favorite cousin. A couple of her other business partners go by the surname of Huang, he doesn't know too much about them, but that they have a son around his age named Renjun.

Chenle's mother had been speaking with Yangyang's parents for a while now. The three of them had resigned from the fragrance business that Mr. Zhong, who Chenle does not consider to be a father but still loves, owns.

A knock on the front door was heard and Chenle sprinted from the couch to open the door, jumping in Jisung's arms. The younger had been in contact with Jisung of course, informing the older of what went down this past week.

"Hi, my gummy bear!" Jisung greeted and kissed the boy's forehead, putting the younger back down on the floor.

"Hi, Ji! I missed you," Chenle embraced his boyfriend tightly, but stopped when he heard someone clear their throat in the background.

There stood Chenle's mother, with her hand on her hip and a smug smile. Jisung stepped inside the house, bowing to the younger's mother.

"Good morning, Ms. Zhong. Thank you for allowing me to pick up your son," Jisung thanked in a respectful tone to which the younger's mother dismissed and walked over to the tall boy, pulling him into a hug.

"Good morning, Jisung. Chenle has told me a lot about you. And I just want to apologize for the way I acted last week as that was not very mature and very disrespectful of me," Chenle's mother apologized, a hint of guilt in her tone as they pulled away.

"It's okay. you were only trying to protect your son as a mother would do," Jisung shook his head with a smile, causing the woman to smile as well.

"You're a good boy, Jisung. Please take care of my baby for me, will you?" Ms. Zhong told him as Chenle blushed at their conversation.

"Of course. I love your son very much and I will protect him at all costs," Jisung promised as the woman nodded her head.

"Very well. Do you two want anything to eat or drink before you leave?" She asked and the two boys shook their heads. "Alright, I won't hold you any longer. Both of you please be safe."

"We will!" The two boys said simultaneously.

Jisung took Chenle bag and grabbed his boyfriend's hand with his free arm as they walked to the bus stop. The two sat on the bench as they awaited the bus to arrive.

"Mark is currently with Donghyuck I believe," Jisung told Chenle as the younger smiled.

"He seems like he's really trying and I'm glad that they're finally together. It took them forever," Chenle giggled slightly, nuzzling his face on Jisung's shoulder.

"Yeah, he really loves Donghyuck a lot. I remember when I had spoken with him about my cousin. You know, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid and that was one of the times, which aren't that many, that Mark was actually being genuine about his feelings," Jisung honestly said.

"And look at them now. After all those bumps and detours, Mark was still the only exception for Donghyuck," Chenle responded with a smile.

The younger is really happy for his best friend. He's known that the tanned male has had a crush on Mark since he first day he moved here and he's finally glad that the two share equal feelings towards one another. It sure took time, but with a lot a effort and determination, it happened.

The bus arrived and two hopped off of the bench and into the bus, taking a seat next to each other with Chenle occupying the window seat. The younger stared out the window, admiring the scenery and the beautifully sunny day as Jisung now rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

Chenle smiled at his cute boyfriend as he played with the older's large hands. He loved comparing his hand size with his boyfriend's as his hand seemed to be the perfect fit with each other, like a missing piece to a puzzle.

The two boys stepped onto the campus and into the college dorm building once the bus dropped them off, Jisung still carrying Chenle's bag as well as holding his hand.

Walking through the halls, Jisung greeted people Chenle has never seen before. And quite frankly, it frightened him of how tall they were, but his worries were lessened since he was with Jisung.

They reached the end of the hallway and Jisung unlocked the door of his dorm, guiding Chenle inside. Chenle looked around, it was very neat inside which caught the younger off guard since he would have thought it would be messy.

The room was fairly big as there were two twin sized beds on each side of the room. The bathroom wasn't that big but it wasn't that small either. There were multiple posters of bands on the walls on one side and the other side, which Chenle speculates to be his boyfriend's, had a couple picture frames of him and Chenle in them.

"What do you think?" Jisung asked as he placed his boyfriend's bag besides his desk.

"It seems cozy," Chenle responded and Jisung hummed in agreement.

"It's alright. I'd rather be at home with you though," Jisung honestly said as a blush spread over Chenle's cheeks.

"You can sit on my bed," Jisung pointed towards his mattress. "That side is my roommates. He's pretty cool and chill to hang out with."

"I'm really glad," Chenle said as he plopped himself down on Jisung's bed, cashing the older to chuckle.

"Are you sure I'm allowed to even be on campus, Ji?" Chenle questioned, sitting up on Jisung's bed while the older took a seat next to him and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. Nobody on this floor will snitch. Besides, you'll be a university student here next year anyway," Jisung shrugged and smiled, easing Chenle's nerves about getting caught.

"That's if my grades are good enough to even get expected," Chenle pouted and Jisung pecked the boy's lips.

"You're going to do just fine, Lele. I believe you will," Jisung assured his boyfriend who reluctantly nodded his head.

"Can we cuddle?" Chenle asked, displaying the best puppy eyes he could as he knew Jisung couldn't resist them.

"Of course, my baby dolphin," Jisung agreed and Chenle happily bounced as Jisung enveloped him in his arms, laying down on the bed.

Chenle laid his head on the older's chest with an arm wrapped over and placed it on his upper body while Jisung reached for the remote and turned the television on before wrapping both his arms around Chenle's waist, the two watching a show.

"Yo, Jisung! I'm back!"


I woNdEr whO tHAt coULd bE? 🤔

Thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed!! Please take care of yourselves and stay safe!
Much love...xx

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