Chapter 15

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Tw//mentally abusive antics and homophobia

Chenle's mother and father were not the most happy married couple you'd expect them to be. Their relationship lacked commutation and it didn't help that his father was mentally abusive towards his mother.

Chenle's mother begged her husband not to bring out such an abusive environment while Chenle was around and he promised to do so for their son's sake.

But then what happened?

"You promised you wouldn't reveal this to Chenle," the woman said once the door shut, meaning Chenle had left to Jisung's.

"I'm sick and tired of this," her husband retorted, the woman's eyes filled with tears.

"So then leave. Get out of my house," Chenle's mother stood her ground as her husband walked closer to her.

"I leave when I want to," he whispered evilly.

"If you're so unhappy and tired of this, then leave! Get out!" The woman yelled, tears now uncontrollably falling down the sides of her cheeks.

Chenle's mother will not tolerate him anymore, especially not after he was about to do to her son. She's done with this. She's done with him.

"You won't survive on your own. I was the one who introduced you to the business world," her husband shot back.

The woman stepped away from the man and shook her head.

"You didn't do anything, but bring pain into this household," she responded semi calmly.

"And you think you didn't either? You were trying to force the kid to break up with his boyfriend just a little while ago," he said the word in disgust. "If anything, it's your fault he's gay!"

"I wasn't forcing them to break up because he was gay! I was trying to protect him from the world, from people like you," she pointed at him and the man grabbed her finger tightly.

"People like me, huh?" He scoffed.

"Let go of me!" She shouted at him, but he wouldn't let go, in fact crushing her finger more.

The older man rolled his eyes and roughly let her go. His wife held rubbed her finger and left Chenle's room and into their shared bedroom, pulling out a bag.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Her husband asked in a disrespectful tone.

"If you're not leaving, I am and I'm take my son with me," she told him and the other man scoffed again.

"And where are you going to go?"

"Far away from you. I'm filing for a divorce," she told him as she continued packing her things.

"Then leave. I don't care, it's not my fault your son is gay," he scowled and she stopped packing her things to look at him.

"Our son being gay has nothing to do with this. At least I realized my fault which was that I wasn't there for him when he needed me and neither were you! But you can't even admit that, can you?" She shot back in anger, tears still flowing.

"I don't care. I don't care about you and I don't care about him. He fucking gay, he's not my son," he retorted hysterically.

Chenle's mother shook her head in disappointment, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands.

"As long as my son has someone who loves and treats him the way he deserves to be treated, then I'm happy. And as for us, I'm not happy. Therefore, this will be our last day as husband and wife," she said her final words, continuing to pack her bags.

He kept trying to gain her attention, but she kept doing as she was doing. He must forget everything she has done for him, for her just to keep the business and keep their home life financially stable. She was the one who introduced him to the business world.

She wanted to be at home with her son while she was at work, she really did. But he didn't let her. He had a control over her life that she couldn't seem to withdraw from.

All he cared about was that damn business, never one caring if his son was well and fed. She couldn't deal with it anymore and especially not after today. Not after the argument she had with her son, realizing what a terrible parent she has been all his childhood.

She wants to fix it, even though she knows it may be too late. Chenle didn't deserve the treatment he has been receiving. He deserves to feel like he's loved and he has his parents to lean on to if anything.

At first, she wanted Chenle to break up with Jisung, afraid that he'd be with someone like his father. It wasn't about the fact that he's gay, she doesn't care about that. She loves him for him and she'll love whoever he loves.

And what her soon to be ex spouse has proven today, was definitely the last straw and it was time for her to step up and do something about it.

At the end of the day, Chenle's father was the one who ended up leaving. He didn't want anything to do with this family or this house so he decided to leave. Tomorrow when they see each other at work, Chenle's mother will have her divorce papers as well as her resignation papers in her hands ready to be signed.

Is she being selfish? She believes so, but she's doing what's right for her and her son.


That surely took a turn..

Anywho, thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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