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First of all, HOLY shit.

This fanfic has been up on wattpad for almost 6 years now, and is starting to get popular again. I won't lie to you, I'm shocked, and apart of me is embarrassed. Simply, because it was WRITTEN WHEN I WAS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL.

I still read the comments on the chapters (especially the most recent ones) and I wanted to address a few things.

1) As said before, this fanfic is 6 years old now and 13 year old me thought she was really on to something. (She wasn't). So when you go and make jabs towards some of the characters and their actions, you have to also understand that they were legit written by a middle schooler at the time.

2) I plan on editing this whole mess. Like I genuinely want to make this story better. Reading back some of the chapters, I literally want to gag at how cringe they are. There are some moments I'd like to keep, but there are others that I want to burn and never see again:)

3) With that said, be PATIENT with me. I am a super busy college student now, with a job, and other activities. So my main commitment isn't always going to be wattpad. Trust me, I love this app and love that it gives me a space to write and create. However, it isn't my main concern, it's just my past time. I want to plan to edit and upload chapters at least every 1-2 weeks through out the summer, and will also be writing a Niall fic as well (if you haven't checked out the teaser for Vulnerable, check it out!)

Other than that, I want to say thank you!! I will admit it is crazy to see that my story is getting so much attention again after this many years. But I appreciate all the love you have given it (no matter how cringe this story is now).

- Amber xx

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