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Skyler's POV

"We're alright though!

Just as She's Kinda Hot finishes up, Calum looks over and smiles and I can't help but smile back. One thing I couldn't get off my mind though was what Michael was trying to hide from me earlier. Maybe he was just messing with me? My thoughts are soon interrupted when I hear Calum say,

"Can I talk now?" 

"Yeah, man talk," Michael says laughing.

"Alright, Hey guys!" He says happily, "I'm Calum, if you don't already know. I play the bass." Everyone screams and he laughs. "Alright, so today is a very special day." Is it?

"I wanna bring someone very special out on the stage with me right now." All the fans began to shout, 'Me! Me!' and I can't help but laugh.

"Skyler, can you come out here?" Wait-- this is the surprise. The fans start cheering and screaming for me as security guides me to the stage. I slowly walk towards Calum who is smiling from ear to ear as I begin to blush taking his outstretched hand.

"Everybody, this is my absolutely beautiful girlfriend, Skyler!" I cover my face with my hands, and Calum laughs prying them away, "Skyler, do you know what day it is?" I shake my head. 

"Really? Are you sure?" I shake my head again. "Skyler, I can't believe you forgot!" I look at him confused. 

"Ladies and gents, today is Skyler's birthday!" This time all four boys yell into the mic at once. My eyes widen. I can't believe I forgot my own fucking birthday.

"I brought you out here because I wanted to give you your present now" Everyone  'awws' as he turns me to the crowd and goes behind me pulling my hair aside. Bringing a necklace I've never seen before in front of my face and around my neck, he latches it behind my neck.

"I'm not crying!" Michael shouts from behind and I laugh along with everyone else. I take the necklace in my hand and look at the silver bass charm. Calum leans forward and whispers,

"Turn it over." 

Beside You... C.H

 Was engraved in small, precise lettering across the back and I turn to look up at him and see him smiling, 

"It's just like mine," Calum says pulling the chain around his neck from his shirt and showing me the dog tag I have given him years before, "But you have the other half of the lyric."

 I jump into his arms and wrap my arms around his neck when he lifts me up and spins me around.

"Happy Birthday, Skyler," He whispers into my hair after he sets me back down, "I-I love you," Calum barely manages to get the words out, based on how nervous he was and he must've been too close to the mic when he said it because in an instant the crowd roars.

"I love you too Calum," I smile and loop my arms around his neck once more, but this time kissing him passionately. The guys on stage start to howl, and the crowd (continues to) go crazy.

"So this is the surprise that Michael was talking about?" I question him laughing.

"I'm going to kill him later, but yes, it was." I hug him tightly once more before I start to walk off stage.

"Woah! Birthday girl, where do you think you're going?" Ashton speaks into the mic throwing his hands in the air, "We still haven't sung happy birthday to you yet!" And before I could even protest, on a count of three the boys and pavilion sing loudly.

"So this next song," Calum says looking towards the crowd after I return to my spot on the side of the stage, "Is not only dedicated to Skyler but for all of you guys as well." 

 Life's a tangled web

Of cellphone calls and hashtag I don't knows...

Pretty sure that this is the happiest I've ever been as I dance and sing along loudly to he song as I watch my boys live their dream.

We put the world away

We get so disconnected

Beside You | Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now