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Calum's POV

    When we finally arrived at the arena we were performing at tonight, Skyler was still getting ready so I headed out and got us some breakfast at the closest McDonalds. She was angry that there wasn't any "real food" on the bus to eat so I wanted to surprise her. But now that I think of it, McDonalds isn't real food either. I come back with two large bags and a tray of coffee, which I almost spill climbing the stairs into the bus. I reach the lounge and see Michael and Skyler cuddling on the couch and feel my face begin to burn. I'm not jealous, am I? I think o myself, setting the food down on the counter.

    "Calum! Where'd you go?" She says jumping up from the couch while kneeing Michael in the balls.

    "OW! SHHHHIIIIITTT!" Michael cries, "This is what i get for cuddling my best friend... Who happens to be my other best friend's girlfriend!" He adds rolling on the couch in pain. I laugh loudly just thinking, That's what you get for stealing my girl, asshole, to myself when Skyler eyes the bag on the counter,

    "Holy Crap! FOOD!" She attacks the bag ripping out an english muffin and a hash brown.

    "Oh, so food is less important than my injury?" Michael complains.

    "Um, sorta," She says with her mouth full, then turns to me, "Thanks, Cal." She reaches up to kiss me, until I stop her.

    "Eww, Skyler not with food in your mouth!" I mimic her and she rolls her eyes. She's about to say something until I quickly kiss her causing her to almost drop her food when I pull away.

    "You taste good," I smirk wiggling my eyebrows and she laughs.

    "Ugh, just get a room or better yet, get married," Michael says disgusted, "Your making my coffee taste bad."

    "We'll be heading out soon anyways, so no need to bother, Mikey," I say ruffling his hair.

    "What the hell mate? You know I hate when people do that!" He whines.

    "Mikey have you seen your hair?" I laugh as he glares at me. He crumples up his wrapper and throws it into the bag.

    "Yeah, yeah whatever," He grumbles, "Where you guys going?"

    "Getting tattoos," I tell him, "Wanna come."

    "Nah might as well watch the two kids," Michael sighs casually. I stare at him.

    "Mike, if anything, Ashton is the one who should be watching you two," I laugh.

    "Hey, I'm responsible!"

    "Sure you are, Mikey," I say ruffling his hair once more. I grab Skyler's hand, "You ready?"

    "Whenever you are."

    "Alright then, let's get going. Michael please don't hurt yourself like you did last time," I say seriously, narrowing my eyes at him.

    "I won't! Because I'm responsible!" He says confidently.

    "Sure you are," I roll my eyes and walk out of the bus with Skyler hand and hand.

At the Tattoo shop

    We walk in to the small shop that happened to be right down the street from the arena and walk up to the counter, where a man in his early thirties had tattoos all the way up his arms greeted us,

    "Hey, how may I help you?" He asks.

    "We want to get the roman numeral four tattooed on our wrists," I say. The man nods and asks,

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