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Calum's POV

My parents look between the two of us not saying a word, until my mum breaks out into a wide grin.

"Well, it's about time!" She exclaims, pulling both of us into a hug and kissing the both of our checks, then turns to me and scowls, "Now don't do anything stupid because she is definitely a keeper." She looks at Skyler and winks.

"Mum," I laugh, intertwining my fingers with Skyler's, "Don't you think I already know that?" 

"I do," My mother nods, "But I'm just keeping you on your toes." Her and dad leave shortly after to start putting away groceries when Mali approaches.

"Well, little brother, I'm glad you finally grew some and asked her out," Mali grins, nudging me with her elbow before shouting, "My brother is finally a man!"


"Let's go out to dinner," Mali suggests, "So we can celebrate the lovebird's homecoming."

I smirk, Skyler hiding her face in my chest as we cuddle on the couch. She sits on my lap with an arm around my neck, mine wrapped around her waist.

"What? I'm telling you, we wouldn't want to see Cal with anyone else but you, Skyler." Skyler lifts her head off my chest and looks at Mali then at me, smiling.

"I don't think I can see myself with anyone else, Mali." I admit grinning and lean in, kissing Skyler softly on the lips.

"Okay, you guys are frickin' adorable," Mali admits, "But I seriously think we should go out tonight, as a family." I smile, loving the idea of being able to spend time with my family after being gone for almost a year.

"Sounds good, sis."

"Great!" Her eyes light up, "Then start getting ready 'cause we're leaving in like twenty minutes." She runs out of the room, but returns seconds later.

"Hey, what are you—"

"I forgot something," Mali exclaims grabbing Skyler's hand and dragging her off my lap. I pout, yelling after the two giggling girls running up the stairs,

"But we were cuddling!" I get no response and sigh. Finally, deciding to get ready myself, I dramatically groan as I get up off the couch and make my way upstairs. Passing Mali's room, I can't help but over hear their conversation.

"Oh my god, I had no idea Calum had that side of him!" Mali says, surprised ,"He really did that for you?" What does she mean by 'that side'? I have plenty of sides!

"Yeah, it was probably the best night of my life," Skyler sighs, I could tell she was smiling, "I've never taken it off since." I realize she was talking about her birthday, the night I brought her out on stage. The night I showed her off to the world.

"Yeah, I would do the same thing," Mali agreed, "But I don't think you need a necklace to see how much he loves you. We've seen the way he looked at you ever since you two could crawl, and it's amazing to see that not being able to see each other for 4 years hasn't kept you apart."

I never really thought about it that way before, to be honest I haven't really thought about how much we've been through together till now. My eyes widen and I realize, it took me 4 years, 4 long years to get Skyler back in my life. That's 4 years I missed out on to be with her.

I never graduated with her like we planned, never got to ask her to Prom, never got to beg her to stay when she left for college...

I run to my room not bothering to listen to the rest of the conversation, and get ready for dinner. As I get dressed, I try wrapping my head around all of it, but can't seem to get a grip. I could've grown up beside my best friend go to a university together, and eventually move in together, get married and start a--

What the hell are you thinking about doing this time, Hood?


I sat there with my parents at the restaurant we decided to eat at. Looking around, this restaurant is really nice. No wonder Mali chose it, even though she hasn't even shown up yet. It was no surprise that it took Mali and Skyler longer than 20 minutes to get ready, so they told us to go ahead and they'll meet us here.

My parents are talking and I try my best to listen, but mind keeps traveling back to the thought of Skyler. My knee is bouncing as I pretend to be on my phone, distracting myself in any way possible to stop thinking about it.

"Ah, there they are!" My dad exclaims, "You ladies look beautiful. You sure know how to make an entrance."

 I lift my head up, to see Mali dressed up nicely in a clean, black dress. Skyler finally reveals herself from behind my sister, and I can't help but be blown away at the sight of her. Her dirty blonde hair done in loose curls, her blue eyes standing out along with the navy blue fitting dress.

"Eyes up here, pretty boy," Skyler smirks, snapping her fingers in front of my face. I smile before standing up and pulling her chair out for her. When she sits down I lean down right beside her ear and whisper,

"Sorry, I got distracted."


ooh, calum, you hormonal boy

What's Calum thinking about? (Besides getting Skyler in bed)

- Amber xx

p.s. i love Aguirrenicole14 <3

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