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Night of the Concert

Calum's POV

 Screams pierced our ears, as we stand watching for All Time Low to come out.

"Don't get to excited." I yell over the crowd. She looks at me as if she's saying, 'are you serious?' and I laugh as the opening chords of Satellite blast through the arena and All Time Low emerges from the dark.

Throughout the night we're singing along to every song as loud as we can, my arms around Skyler the whole time. Skyler looking as if she is almost about to pass out when they play If These Sheets Were States.

My ship went down in a sea of sound

I woke up alone and had everything

Therapy began and I watched as Skyler began to tear up, knowing how much this band means to her.

Give me Therapy

I'm a walking travesty

"I love you," I say into her ear, hopefully loud enough so she could hear over the music, "More than you know." Tilting her chin up to meet my lips then rest my chin on top of her head the remainder of the concert.


 We drive back to the busses in the dark parking lot. I switch off the engine, and lean over the dash kissing Skyler softly then hungrily.

"We're going to have to thank Luke," She says between kisses, pulling back a little, "But not right now."

The Next Morning

Skyler's POV

I wake up in the backseat of the car with muscular arms wrapped around my torso. Cringing in pain, I mutter under my breath,

"How'd we end up here?"

"Using our lyrics, are we?" Calum yawns, stretching his arms above his head. I laugh. "Morning, beautiful." He smiles sheepishly, pecking my lips.

"Good Morning, Hood," I say returning the kiss, "What happened last night?"

"Well, we drove to the concert, went to our seats--" He goes on as he traces the tattoo on my wrist.

"I know that, silly," I roll my eyes, "What happened after that?"

"You mean when we got back here?"


"Oh, well we didn't go back in the bus because we were doing other things," He explains, wiggling his eyebrows. I slap him in the arm, "Ow! Anyways, we climbed back here to get comfortable and fell asleep." I stare at him. "What? What's wrong?"

"You do realize that you didn't tell the boys, right?" I raise my eyebrows at him. His eyes grow wide.

"Shit." He climbed out of the car faster than he woke up, and darted to our bus. I followed behind him a few feet behind not bothering to run after him. Taking the bus steps two at a time,  I soon regret what I walked into.

"This is the second time, Calum!" Ashton yells at Calum.

"We were in the parking lot, Ash, we were--"

"Something could've happened to you!" Ashton cuts him off.

"Ashton, stop it," I say, quickly stepping between him and Calum. His eyes soften at the sight of me and back away, "We were fine Ashton. We were right outside the bus, so if anything did happen you would've been able to notice." 

Ashton sighs, running his hand through his hair. I wrap my arms around him and he immediately relaxes as he winds his arms around my small body and hugs me tightly. 

"I'm alright Ash, I'm alright."

"I just don't want you getting hurt," He mutters into my shoulder.

"Why don't you go get some rest, okay?" I suggest looking at his bloodshot eyes. Ashton nods,  tiredly agreeing as he heads to his bunk. I sigh before turning right into Michael.

"When you guys didn't come back Ashton flipped. He stayed up all night waiting for you guys to come back," He says.

"Really?" I say looking slightly over Michael's shoulder to see Ash rubbing his eyes in fatigue. "He didn't --"

"But he did anyway because he loves you guys." Michael cuts me off, "I know you're smart, but just give Ashton or me a heads up if you're going to stay out longer than expected, okay?" He asks and I nod.

"He loves you, Sky," He says sincerely as I bite my lip watching Ashton's chest rise with every breath.

"Yeah, I know."

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