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4 Years later

"She looks so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear!" I sing aloud as I pull up into my driveway. I rolled all the windows back up in my car and got out dropping my phone in the process.

"Shit," I mutter to myself. It's been almost four years since Calum left. Ever since he left for tour, him and the boys grew to become one of the hottest bands today. Sure, I was hurt when I found out he wouldn't be coming back after the one year, but he was living his dream and I couldn't deny how proud I was of him.

Today, school felt extra long (and boring if I might add). All I really want to do is go straight to my room and never wake up. I finally make my way to the door, unlocking it and dropping my backpack and shoes next to the entrance. Mom always hates when I do that, but I can take it up later. Making my way into the kitchen, I notice a note left on the table.

       Have to work late tonight. Back to back meetings. Takeout is in the fridge. I'm sorry it's late notice. :( - Mom

I sigh crumpling up the note and tossing it in the garbage under the sink, and open the fridge to see what she left for me.

"Thank the lord!" I yell out after seeing the box of hawaiian pizza sitting front and center. I throw it on the counter and rip, more like attack, the pizza.

Opening the box brings back so many memories. Calum loved hawaiian pizza and insisted I try it myself, when I told him I've never had it. Since then it's basically the only pizza I'll eat because it reminds me of him. After 4 or 5 pieces, I flop onto the couch and start to watch re-runs of How I Met Your Mother. But of course right when I get comfortable, the phone rings. Groaning, I get up and grab the phone,

"What?" I say sorta pissed.

"Woah, simmer down there Sky! It's just me," I sigh, relieved to hear my best friend's voice.

"Sorry, I'm just tired," I laugh.

"Oh, well you should wake up!" She yells into the phone, "What time do you want me to pick you up?"

"Okay first of all, I think I'm temporarily deaf. Secondly, what are you picking me up for?" I say confused.

"Oh my god! You seriously forgot where we are going tonight?" Zoe yells even louder this time.


"Um, hello? 5SOS concert?"

"Oh my god! that's tonight?" I ask in disbelief, I can't believe I forgot.


"Can you do me a favor first and stop yelling?"

"Ugh, fine. See you in a bit, babe!" And with that she hung up. I full out sprinted to my room, and started getting ready for one of the best nights of my life.

After getting out of the merchandise line with our new shirts and other merch. We start to head to our seats when I tell Zoe I have to go to the bathroom.

"K, I'll wait back over there," She pointed back to a tree. I come out a couple minutes later and Zoe is no where to be seen.

"Well that's just great," I pull out my phone and text her.

Sky: Where u at tho? XD

She texts back a second later with,

Zoe: Seats, u took forever and i felt weird standing by tree by myself

Sky: Fine I'll meet u there

I put my phone back in my pocket and head to where I think my seat is, but I end up lost. This crowd is so big that you can't really move any where without going a different direction. I find myself in a hallway all alone, and start to get worried so I turn around to head back when I end up running straight into somebody, falling to the floor.

"What the hell?" I say, "Don't you watch where you're going?" The person reaches their hand down for help. I grab it and slowly stand up.

"I should be saying the same thing," they say while I'm brushing myself off. I look up and that's when I realize who I'm talking to. Their eyes widen, "Skyler."


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