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One year later

Skyler's POV

Tomorrow, I wouldn't be known as Skyler Davidson, Calum Hood's girlfriend, but instead known as Skyler Hood, Calum Hood's wife.

It was insane to think that just in a matter of hours, I would be stepping into the the next chapter of the rest of my life with my best friend by my side.

The months after January seemed to fly by as we are now in the North American leg of the tour and heading to the one place I love most.

"Oh my god, Cal, I can't wait to show you around the city. We have to go to the pier and then I can take you to my favorite mediterranean food place--"

"Sky," Cal laughed stopping me from rambling on even more, "We're not even on the plane yet, calm down."

Of course I was excited, San Fransisco was where I grew up before moving to Australia for my dad's work. I may have been young when we moved, but I remember every detail of the city I was once calling home.

"Don't worry, Skyler, I'll let you take me anywhere you want when we get there," He assures before leaning down and whispering in my ear, "And I wouldn't mind going to the hotel room--"

"Calum," I warn.


"We'll have plenty of time for that after the wedding, but for now I just want to enjoy the time we have left."

"And I'm totally okay with that," He grins, pecking my lips, "I love San Fransisco and you."

"Well, you did write a song about it," I joke poking his bicep.

"Yeah, but we didn't have time to really explore unlike this time around."

"Oh, you've never told me that."

"Oh, thought I did," Calum pondered for a second before his eyes widen in realization, gasping he asked, "Can we go to the zoo?"

"Yes, Calum," I roll my eyes at my excited '4 year old fiancé', and laugh, "I knew you would want to."

"Yes! We can go see the tigers, and—"

"Look whose rambling now," I smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, very funny, babe. Come on we're boarding," He interlaced our hands as we walked through the doors of our gate.


Now standing in a hotel room off the Malibu coast, I lie in bed unable to sleep. I roll over expecting to be closer to Calum, but is disappointed remembering that the Zoe and the guys thought it was a good idea to keep us apart until the time of the wedding.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" He said, throwing his hands in the air.

"Oh come on, Calum, it's tradition," Zoe whines as she sits on Luke's lap with a cup of wine in hand.

"Fuck tradition!" Calum raged, "I don't know about you guys, but I rather spend my last night with Skyler in my arms, not two floors up!"

"Let's get you to bed, buddy," Ashton sighed patting his shoulder, "Big day tomorrow. Let's go, Luke. Stop snogging your girlfriend and help us." Luke muttered something under his breath, making Zoe laugh as he gets up off the couch.

"You're all going to get your fucking asses kicked if you do this to me!" I overheard Calum threaten the boys. As they pushed him out of Zoe and I's room, I heard the boys shout as a body pushes through them, rushing to me and taking me in their arms.


Before I could say anything, Calum kissed me roughly before being dragged away once more,

"God damn it, put me down!"

I giggled closing the door behind them and flop on the bed and I look over seeing Zoe already passed out and sighed knowing that I should try to get some sleep myself.

4 hours later and I still can't sleep.

I miss Calum.

And just as I'm about to sneak out of the room to his. The door opens slowly, in attempt to not make any noise, but sadly fails as it creeks loudly unveiling Calum cringing at his failed effort.

"Nice job, James Bond," I smirk holding in a laugh.

"Jesus christ, Sky," He jumps, clutching a hand over his chest in shock, "Don't fucking sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry," I laugh quietly, going on my toes and kissing his lips, "Hi."

"Well, hello to you too." He smiles kissing me again gently.

"Just couldn't stay away could you?" I snicker. He groans,

"This is so stupid! We've only been apart for like, what? A couple hours? I can't take it, Sky."

"Shh," I whisper, biting my lip, "Zoe is sleeping."

"Right. Forgot about that," He nods as he looks around me to see Zoe sprawled across the bed in an uncomfortable looking position.

"I can't sleep," I admit hugging his waist, "I need you. I've grown used to waking up next to you."

"Aw, I need you too baby girl, but are you sure that isn't the only reason you need me?" He wiggles his eyebrows earning a slap on the arm,"I'm kidding, come in my room. Michael ended up sleeping with the other three somehow on his turn to watch me."

"They took turns watching you?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows together.

"Yeah, they were afraid that I was going to break down a wall just to see you if they didn't."

"Aww, you would break down a wall just to see me?" I tease.

"Baby, I would go on a mass murdering spree if it meant seeing you."

"Wow, I'm touched. But please don't go and do that."

"Yeah, even I'm not punk rock enough to do that."

"You were never punk rock."

"Yes, I am."

"You cried when we were watching Wreck It Ralph."

"And you didn't? That ending screwed me up!"

"Yeah, okay," I scoff, "Let's go, I'm tired." Calum opened his mouth to say something then stopped himself, and just followed me out of the room after closing the door behind him.

I crawl under the covers, once inside his room and pat the spot next to me motioning for Calum to come. He shakes his head laughing, making his eyes crinkle and slides in next to me. Wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close, I smile at his warmth radiating of of his body.

"Much better," He mumbles into my hair, kissing my shoulder, "Good night, Sky."

"Night, Cal," I turn slightly to kiss his lips softly, "I love you."

"I love you too, baby, more than you know," He smiles returning another kiss, "Here's to the last night before the rest of our lives."


Yay:) update one done

next up: Frozen

- Amber xx

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