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This chapter goes out to AustralianFools     ~Thank you for all the support!

Calum's POV

I wince as the sun blinds me through the light of the curtains. I lift my head off the pillow to see a sleeping Skyler on my chest, then remember last night's conversation. I lay back down smiling, as I remember Skyler saying she would come on tour with me. In attempt to not wake Skyler up, I reach across her body for my phone, but sadly fail as the phone slips from my grasp and falls to the floor with a thud. Her body stirs, as she lazily leans up, looking around the room then down at me. I smile.

"Morning, beautiful," I say sheepishly, kissing her forehead. Giving me a tired smile, she goes back to her position on my chest.

"Morning, Cal-Pal," We lay there just talking, like we did the night before. When I tell her about the tour and the stupid things the guys have done over these past couple months, she laughs and begins to trace her fingers lightly over my tattoos.

"I like this one," She says pointing to the feather on my collar bone.

"Yeah?" I ask and she nods, "I want to get another one."

"Of what?"

"Roman numeral 4." I smile, SKyler looks at me confused.

"Why 4?

"It's the years we spent apart," I explain, "I want to remember that I waited four long, dreadful years just to get you back in my life."

"Let's do it."


"I'll get the same thing as you," I smile at her idea, "That way we can remember together."

"I like that," I start to get up but she grabs my arm.

"Cal," She whines, "Stay, I want to cuddle!" I laugh and give her a devilish grin.

"We'll be able to cuddle as long as you want, when you come on the rest of the tour with me." Her face lights up.

"Okay, I'm holding you to that, Hood," Skyler says getting up and kissing me on the cheek.

"You missed!" I yell at her as she walks out of the room.

"I have to pack!" She calls out but soon returns, leaning in the door way, "Besides we'll be able to do plenty of that on tour," She winks, mocking me before leaving the room once more swaying her hips as she goes. I watch her, before going down to make breakfast and let out a shaky breath,



About an hour later she comes down dressed, with two suit cases in her hands and I run over to grab them so she doesn't have to carry them the rest of the way down.

"Calum, I could've carried those by myself," She whines.

"Um, I'm sorry but it looked like somebody was going to fall half way down the stairs like last night," I smirk, turning around to head back to the kitchen when she jumps on my back.

"Hey!" I say surprised almost falling over. Deciding to have some fun with it, I start spinning around causing both of us to laugh as if we were high.

"Woah Calum! Stop I'm getting dizzy," She squeals. I stop and she takes a deep breath in,

"Do I smell waffles?"

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