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Calum's POV

5 Years ago

"I'll race you!" The blonde challenges as she begins to run ahead of me.

"You're on!" I yell running past, looking over my shoulder at my best friend. But this time I notice something different--

"Calum, watch out!"  Before I can even process what's happening I'm on the ground, snapped out of  whatever thoughts were running through my head.

"Shit," I wince, attempting to stand on my own but fail.

"Oh my god, Cal," Skyler stands over me, "You can't go a day without hurting yourself around me, can you?"

She had a point.

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up at my house," Skyler sighs, wrapping an arm around my waist for support.

It wasn't until we finally get to her house when I noticed the blood rushing down my arm and almost pass out at the sight. She directs me to sit on the island counter top in the kitchen as she disappears down the hallway to fetch the first aid kit.

"Okay, this might hurt"  She says when she returns as she begins to clean the deep scrapes with alcohol.

"Damn!" I wince, "Why does it sting so fucking much?"

"God you're such a baby," She scoffs, shaking her head, "Just chill, okay? I'm almost done." After putting the alcohol to the side, Skyler grabs a wet towel and begins to clean up the remaining blood. I don't even realize I'm staring until she says,


"Nothing," She stops and steps back looking at me.

"You were looking at me."

"Sorry." I look down feeling my cheeks grow red as she continues to clean the rest of my arms

"Holy crap, Calum, you really jacked yourself up," Skyler shakes her head in disbelief.

"Very funny," I say sarcastically, but admit, "I got distracted." I look into her eyes noticing that if she just tilts her head back a little more our lips would be touching. With our faces only centimeters away, she breathes,

"I forgot the bandages."


The though of when I first realized I was falling for Skyler fades as I walk into the dressing room to see her sitting on the couch playing Fifa.

"Are you fucking serious right now? You know I hate it when you play without me!" She whips her head up and smirks, 

"You know I can kick your ass any day, so why do you care?"

"Hey, I've beaten you plenty of times before!" I argue, she rolls her eyes,

"Sure you have, babe." I plop down next to her on the couch and throw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close,

"So," I start, flashing a wicked grin, "Like your surprise?"

"I loved it," She smiles, pecking my lips, "Where are the boys?"

"Presents!" The three voices chorus almost on cue as the burst through the door.

"Open mine first!" Ashton exclaims, bouncing on the couch like a little kid.

"Alright, alright calm down, Ash!" Skyler laughs and leans forward grabbing a blue bag with loads of tissue paper stuffed inside it. I laugh,

"Are you sure there's something in there Ash? Or is it just paper?" The boys laugh while Ashton glares at me, "I'm just joking, mate." 

After receiving a new IPod from Ashton and a guitar from Michael, Luke fumbles with the card in his hand,

"My turn," Luke says sheepishly, handing it to her, "Happy Birthday, Sky." He smiles as she rips open the card,

"Holy crap," She mumbles, reading over the piece of paper in her hand, "Lucas Hemmings, You did not get me All Time Low tickets!" She jumps up excitedly.

"Thank you so much,  Luke," Skyler wraps her arms around his waist and I can't help but feel pained, wishing it was me.

"No problem, I figured you two could get away from us for a night, and thought,  why not at a concert?" He smiles and looks at me.

"Thanks, buddy!" 


"It was nice of Luke to do that for us." Skyler says. I nod,

"Yeah, I almost thought the other ticket was for him, until he explained it." 

"Even if it were, I still don't think I'd be able to be alone with him."

"I know, babe," I sigh wrapping my arms around her, "I know."



sorry for disappearing i was at this summer camp where this lady was a bitch to me ON MY BIRTHDAY and i just haven't been myself since experiencing a crappy birthday like i did.

I love you all, thank you for all the recent follows!


- Amber xx

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