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Calum's POV


Skyler chokes and my face drops. Luke is one of my best mates, and ever since Skyler joined us on tour I could tell something was bothering him. But this? He would never hurt her, at least I hope he wouldn't. I shake the thought out of my head and swallow,

    "He would never hurt you Sky, he wouldn't do any of those things," I assure her.

    "I know but have you noticed that he's been acting weird lately?" She asks me, and I nod

    "Yeah, but try the best you can to ignore it, okay? You got me and the other boys to stress you out so don't worry," I joke in attempt to make her smile, which succeeds when I hear her laugh softly, giving me a small smile, "There she is," I smile.

    "Calum, can you-Do you think you could stay with me?" She whispers.

    "Of course babe, you know that I'll never leave you're side." I throw the covers on top of us and she cuddles up against me, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head on my chest. I wrap both of my arms around her and kiss her forehead every so often just to make her feel safe. After awhile I slowly begin to fall asleep, hoping tomorrow won't be as complicated.

The Next Morning

Skyler's POV


    It was only the first night on tour and I am already having nightmares. I mean I was with Calum, so why did they start? The thought of the things that Luke did to me replayed over and over in my head. I turn on my side and see a shirtless Calum, sleeping soundly. I notice all these small things when he sleeps, I realize. Like how he sort of smiles when he's sleeping or how he reaches up to scratch his neck every so often and reaches out to make sure I'm still next to him. I get up and head to the busses kitchen, but almost fall when the the bus turns. I steady myself and begin to look through the cabinets, hoping there was something I could make or just snack on for now. Vegemite was the only thing I found, along with a whole loaf of bread. Other then that the cabinets were bare.

    "Guess this will do for now," I mumble. I turn around to put the bread in the toaster but am startled to run into a tall, blonde giant. I yelp, "Holy shit, Luke, you scared me." I say taking a few steps away from him, remembering last night.

    "Sorry, just trying to get some food too."

    "Good luck finding anything, there's literally nothing," I complain, "Can we go to like Denny's or something?"

    "I don't know," He shrugs, "We should be stopping in an hour and a half."

    "Oh, okay," I nod only to be startled again by the toast popping up out of the toaster when I hear a sleepy voice walk in.

    "Too damn early," Calum rasps, walking into the kitchen area. He stops when he sees Luke, jaw clenched but his face softens when he looks at me, "Morning babe." He steps towards me bringing me into his embrace, and crashing his lips to mine.

Luke coughs, as Calum's lips linger on mine when I try to pull away. Calum releases his hold after Luke left the room seconds later and smiles down at me

    "He didn't do anything to you did he?" He looks at me with his hands not leaving my waist.

    "No, he just scared me." I say grabbing my toast out of the toaster. I'm about to take a bite when Cal takes a bite out of the other side.

    "Umm, I'm sorry but I don't think I said you could take my breakfast, did I?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

    "Oh come on, you know you love it." He says with his mouth full, he leans in for another kiss but I put my hand up stopping him.   

    "Eww, Calum not with food in your mouth," I say slipping away from him. He puts his hands over his heart like he just been shot.

    "That hurts babe," He pouts. I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom to get ready for the day when Calum throws me over his shoulder.

    "AAHHH! CALUM!" I scream, "Put me down!"

    "Shut the hell up!" I hear Ashton yell.

    "Sorry mate! Just have to deal with an issue out here! Go back to bed princess!" Calum yells back and I laugh.

    "Did you just call me an issue, Calum Hood?" I ask.

    "Yes because you are a major issue." He carries me back to our room and drops me on the bed.

    "Is that right?"

    "Oh yes, the issue is not getting a kiss from the girl I really like but is denied because of a lame excuse," He scoffs and I smirk.

    "Seriously Cal?"

    "Oh I'm dead serious, and I plan on fixing that," He says climbing over me.

    "Then what are you waiting for Hood?" I look up at him. I can tell that turned him on because of the way he was licking his lips. Not waiting a second longer, he crashed his lips into mine hungrily. He traces my lip with his tongue, begging for entrance but just before I let him, I pull away teasingly.

    "Just to warn you, I may taste like toast."

    "Great, I'm hungry anyway," He gives me a devilish grin, and pulls me back into the kiss. His teeth tug gently on my bottom lip causing me to let out a small moan.

    "Calum," I say breathlessly, pulling away, "Stop." He looks down at me panting slightly.

    "Did I hurt you? Crap, I'm sorry."

    "No you didn't hurt me, I was just thinking we shouldn't do anything," I say softly, "At least, not yet." He looks at me with wide eyes, processing it all as I wait for an answer. He slowly nods before laying himself on top of me and burying his face into my chest.

"What will it take to make you mine?" He asks, voice muffled by my hair. I sigh,

"That's up to you, Cal."

    "You have no idea, how much of an effect you have on me," He chuckles, getting up so I can get ready for the day ahead.

Hey guys! I can't believe that Story of Another Us is almost at 500 reads! Thank you all so much for reading my stories!

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- Amber xx 👽

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