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Calum's POV

     *Knock* Knock*

     "Dude, Calum, you can't hide from Skyler forever," I hear Michael say from the other side of the door.

     "I'm freaking out, Mikey!" I say as I'm running around trying to find something descent to wear.

     "THAT'S IT!" Mikey yells and kicks the door open. "What the hell do you think your doing?"

     "I.. I just can't mess this up, okay?" I say panicked, "I can't mess this shit up."

     "What the hell are you talking about?" He says grabbing my shoulder.

     "You don't understand, Mike," I shrug his hand off and run my hands through my hair, tugging the roots.

     "And I won't understand till you tell me what the hell is wrong!"

     "I CAN'T LOSE HER AGAIN!" I shout, fall back on the bed, "I can't lose Skyler like I did when I left." I barry my face in my hands, when I feel Michael sit down next to me and places his hand on my back.

    "Then go get her," He says, "I mean your going to literally have to go get her." I laugh quietly. "I mean have you seen the way you looked at her? And the way she looks at you? Cal, you can ask all the guys and they'll tell you the exact same thing." I look at him, "But that's not the point, the point is, you have to get her before she loses you."

Skyler's POV

     I end up wearing a red flannel over a black crop top with ripped jeans and converse, and since I didn't want to really do anything with my hair so I just curled it. I begin to make my way downstairs when I trip over something on the stairs.

    "Shit!" I groan, starting to stand but fall back down when a shot of pain is sent through me, "Damn it." I look up at the source of my fall to see my stupid cat, Louis, lying on the stairs.

     "Hey Sky are you ready to— Holy shit, Sky! What the hell happened?" I hear Calum say. I didn't even hear him come in.

     "That god damn cat!" I mutter angrily pointing to the stairs, "I swear I'll skin him!"

     "Babe, we need to get you to a hospital," Cal says ignoring my comment completely.

     "No Cal, I'm fine, seriously." I start to stand up to show him but yelp when I try to put pressure on it, and begin to fall until Calum catches me before I hit the ground.

    "Complete bullshit," He laughs, "Let's go."

    "But Calum," I whine, "Our dinner."

    "I could care less about the dinner, right now I want my happy Skyler not a hurt one." I smile knowing that he is willing to cancel something that he was so ready for. I begin to move out of his arms towards the door when he literally sweeps me off my feet, bridal style.

    "You okay?" He asks making sure he wasn't hurting me. I nod, "Okay." He carries me all the way to the car and gently sets me in the passenger seat.

    "Keep it elevated on the dash." Calum says as he gets in the car. 

     "Since when did you get all these boy scout skills, hm?" I joke.

     "Ever since I started touring with three idiots," He replies seriously. We drive in silence most of the way, but he breaks it when he catches me staring.

    "See something you like?" He smirks, and I laugh.

    "You cleaned up nicely." I say noticing how he's dressed, wearing black skinny jeans with a baseball tee and his black Vans.

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