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Calum's POV

I wanted to kiss Skyler so many times in the past but could never build up the courage to do it. Now that she's here, blonde hair and all, I took my chance. But right when I pull away she pulls me back in, leaving me wishing it would never end. Of course I couldn't leave the fans waiting, but I could never lose Skyler again.

"Come with me," I say. She opens her mouth but I cut her off before she can say anything. "I can't leave you again." And with that she takes the hand I was holding out for her and guide her to the stage.

"Cal, can I even be back here? I don't want to get caught." Sky says worried.

"You'll be fine, your with me," I wink and her face turns red. I laugh. We are at the side of the stage now, lingering behind the guys. Ashton's cue goes off, and he runs on stage. The fans go crazy as he starts drumming. Michael's next to run off signaling me to get ready to go next. I turn to Skyler,

"Stay here, alright? This is your new seat," I say grinning from ear to ear. I turn to run on but she grabs my arm. "Hey I gotta go—" And she kisses me.

"Break a leg Cal - Pal." She smiles, and I can't help but blush due to the use of my old childhood nickname. With that I go on stage and played like I've never played before.

Skyler's POV

I gotta admit I was pretty psyched to be watching the guys from the stage, but I feel guilty because I totally left Zoe. So I pull out my phone and look at the screen; 6 missed calls and 11 texts. All from Zoe. I sigh and call her before the music starts.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," I beg.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" She yells yet again through the phone.

"Simmer down, simmer down," I try calming her down.


"Okay, don't be mad but... I'm back stage." I wince waiting for all hell to break loose.

"WHHAATTT???!!!! HOW?"


"You better not be joking with me right now."

"I swear I'm not," I laugh, "I'll tell you the whole story after but right now I gotta go."

"I'm not done with you yet!" I hang up. Right now I just want to enjoy the concert.

As I sing along with the guys, I can't help but watch Calum perform. Tonight, he's so into the music and playing his heart out. It might as well be the best I've ever seen him play. With each note he plays and each motion he makes, he's never been so focused. He catches me staring and he smiles widely then goes back to playing.

After their "American Idiot" cover, VooDoo Doll, and a few others. Calum begins talking into the mic.

"How you guys feeling?" He yells. The crowd goes wild. "Sweet, well I want to slow things down a bit. I'm dedicating this song to a really good friend of mine. I haven't seen her in 4 years! Can you believe that?" The audience screams once more. "This is 'Beside You'." They begin to play the opening lines, and I can't believe what just happened. Calum, my Calum, just dedicated a song to me. Not just any song either. He knew it was my favorite. I look back at Calum once more to find him singing straight to me, the whole song.

They finished the concert strong with their last song, 'What I Like About You'. The lights went out, and the crowd roared. The guys ran off stage out of breath, sweating all over. Ashton came in for a hug but I ducked before he could do so. He was the most sweaty out of the four. Unfortunately, I ran straight into Calum's embrace.

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